A Strange Incident of Hadhrat Khidhar Alyhis Salaam

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A Strange Incident of Hadhrat Khidhar Alyhis Salaam


There was a pious Aalim living in a certain town and Hadhrat

Khidhar Alyhis Salaam would visit him every Friday. The king of that time

came to know of it and said to the Aalim, “When Hadhrat Khidhar Alyhis Salaam

comes to visit you, please inform me about it. I want to meet


When Hadhrat Khidhar Alyhis Salaam came to visit, the Aalim told him,

“The king desires to meet you. If you permit, I will inform him of

your arrival” Hadhrat Khidhar Alyhis Salaam  declined the offer. When the king

found out later on, he asked, “Why didn’t you call me?” The Aalim

presented an excuse and evaded the question.


The following Jumu`ah, he came again, but the Aalim, once again, did not inform

the king about it. Upon enquiry, he again presented an excuse to the

king and evaded the question.


On the third Jumu`ah when Hadhrat Khidhar Alyhis Salaam came to meet him,

he granted him permission to inform the king of his arrival. The king

met Hadhrat Khidhar Alyhis Salaam and asked, “Mention something unique to

me.” Hadhrat Khidhar Alyhis Salaam replied, “Such a vast earth and such a huge

sky and in it are different kinds of creatures. The sky does not have

pillars but in it are planets and stars. If this is not strange then what

is?” The king replied, “This is apparent to everyone. Mention something even stranger.”


He replied, “There was a time when you

were a filthy drop of semen. From the back of your father, it came to

the womb of your mother. From there you began taking different

shapes. You got your nourishment through the blood of haidh and

eventually you were born. You remained a child for some time where

you played and jumped. Then you reached the stage of youth and

today you are sitting as a king. This is also so strange.”

Again, the king repeated, “This is apparent to everyone. Mention

something even more unique?”


He said, “Once, as I was coming out of a town when I saw a person

sitting in the corner of an orchard with a basket of grapes. Seeing me

he shouted, ‘O traveller! Come here.’ When I went to him, he

weighed some grapes and gave it to me. I asked him the price to

which he replied, ‘Take it! The law of the king of this place is this

that whenever any traveller passes by, I should give him so much

(specific amount) of grapes.’

When I reached the other end, I saw another person sitting with some sweetmeats.

Seeing me he shoutedout, ‘O traveller! Come here.’ I went to him and he also weighed out

a specific amount of sweetmeats and gave it to me.


I then asked him the price to which he also replied, ‘Take it for free. The law of the

king of this place is that whenever any traveller passes by, I should

give him this amount of sweetmeats.’


I took it and moved on. After 500 years, I happened to pass by that

way and noticed there wasn’t any orchard or any inhabitants. Rather,

there was a huge river flowing there. I asked someone regarding the

orchard and the inhabitants, to which he responded, ‘We never heard

of such a thing. We have always seen and heard of a river running

through here.’ I moved on from there.


After another 500 years had passed, I again happened to pass by that way and this time there

wasn’t even a river there, but a big jungle. I enquired regarding the

river but the people mentioned, ‘We haven’t heard of any river. We

have always known this place to be a jungle.’ Thereafter I moved on

from there.


After yet another 500 years, I again passed by that place

when I noticed the same orchard; it was the same town and on either

side of the orchard was a person sitting there. When I passed by

them, one of them called me, weighed a specific amount of grapes,

and gave it to me. I asked him the price to which he replied, ‘Go! O

servant of Allah! Yesterday I explained to you that this is the law of

the king and today you ask me again for the price.’ On the other side,

the sweetmeat person gave me sweetmeats and on asking him the

price, he gave me the same answer.”


Look at it, 1500 years of Hadhrat Khidhar’s Alyhis Salaam life passed by, yet for these people it was a matter of just yesterday.

Malfoozaat of Faqeeh-ul-Ummat