Says Allah تعالى: “Be Grateful To Me”
All praises are due unto Allah alone. Durood and Salaams be upon Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam.
Says Allah تعالى: “Be grateful to me”
Says Rasullullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam: “If happiness reaches him he is grateful.”
Hadhrat Musa Alayhi Salaam was once on his way to converse with Allah Ta’aala. Along the way he met a person who was extremely wealthy. This person grabbed the garment of Hadrat Musa Alayhi Salaam and said to him that ask Allah Ta’aala to lessen His blessings upon me. I have so much that I do not know what to do with my wealth. Thereafter Musa Alayhi Salaam met a poor man who only had a shawl. This man asked Musa alayhi Salaam to ask Allah Ta’ala to increase him as he owned nothing. When Musa Alaihis Salaam returned from his journey, he met the wealthy person and told him that Allah Ta’alaa said that he should make less Shukr and His blessings will decrease. The men cried and said that it is impossible for him not to make Shukr. Allah Ta’ala revealed to Musa Alayhis Salaam that tell him that I keep My promise. I will increase him. Thereafter Musa Alayhi Salaam met the poor man and told him that Allah Ta’ala said that he should make Shukr for what he has. The poor man got angry and said what do I have in life besides this shawl? Just then the wind blew and his shawl flew away!
Shukr or gratitude is a sure magnet for Allah’s Mercy. It is the foundation of happiness and contentment. Moulana Maseehullah Rahmatullahi alayh said that Shukr is the sugar of life. There is not a single soul who does not have reason to make Shukr.
1) Shukr upon being Insaan: Make Shukr Allah Ta’ala created us as human beings and not animals. On one occasion Hadhrat saw a panting and puffing buffalo pulling its load with great difficulty. Hadhrat with tears in his eyes, immediately said to us: “Make Shukr, Allah Ta’ala has made us Insaan.”
2) Shukr upon Imaan: The overwhelming majority of us were born with the Ni’mat of Imaan. We did not struggle nor stive nor were we persecuted in order to be blessed with Imaan.
3) Shukr for being an Ummati: Great Ambiya were prepared to forego the Ni’mat of the office of Nabuwwat in return for being in the Ummah of Rasullullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. Allah Ta’ala granted us such an immense and irreplaceable Ni’mat without us making a single Du’a for it. Allahu-Akbar!
4) Shukr upon health: Many of us were born without any physical defects. Look at the blind, look at the paralysed, look at the deformed and let’s ask ourselves: Who and what am I to deserve such a wonderful healthy normal body? I see and I walk, I eat and I talk. I am independent of assistance and help. There are people in the world who are selling kidneys for hundreds of thousands of rands. This Allah-given machine called the body is itself worth millions of rands.
5) Shukr upon wealth: Wealth in the Holy Qur’an is termed as “Khair”(goodness). That slice of bread, that bowl of curry, that towel in the bathroom, that hot water, that roof, that pair of socks, each and everything is due to the wealth which Allah blessed us with. Most of us are employed and have businesses.
6) Shukr upon food: Our freezers are stocked already though we have not even commenced one fast. How many a person did not eat supper yesterday? How many a person was fed soup for lunch? He was fantastically wealthy but alas he did not have the health to enjoy his lunch. How many a person could not partake of a desert because of being diabetic? He could only look eat with his eyes.
7) Shukr upon good A’maal: Sadly, we found wanting in this. We never appreciate the great hidayat to perform Salaah. Such a great Ni’mat is simply taken for granted. Do we really believe that we perform Salaah without the Taufeeq from Allah? By Allah, if Allah does not assist us we will not even perform Jum’ah Salaah at all? To have that Taufeeq to close our businesses, take the trouble to find a parking, make a Wudhu and bow and prostrate in front of Allah is a Ni’mat worth more than all the wealth of the World.
8) Shukr from abstaining from sin: So we think that we are staying away from gambling and adultery? So we imagine that we refrain from stealing and liquor? By Allah, if it is not His Fadl that accompanied our intentions, we would be worse than animals. It is His Fadl that He grants us the Tuafeeq and the strength to abstain from evil.
9) Shukr for time: How many are there not who are lying silent in the graveyards. Not a single Sajdah will they make, nor a single fast will they keep, nor will they celebrate the birth or the marriage of their loved one’s. Shukr upon every breath that we enjoy.
10) Shukr upon freedom: Aaah, freedom – what a Ni’mat! No? Go to the jails and ask those inmates just what they are prepared to pay for their freedom. Freedom to do what they want to, when they want to, how they want to, wear what they want to. Ask those who perhaps may have been innocently imprisoned what they have lost and Insha-Allah, we will understand what we have gained through the Ni’mat of Freedom.
11) Multiple Shukr: Not only has the above mentioned Ni’mats been bestowed upon us as individuals, it has been bestowed upon our wives and children as well and upon our friends and families. Everynight just tell Allah Ta’ala you love Him and thank Him for all His Ni’mats. Do not forget to tell Him that we are unworthy and undeserving of it.
12) Shukr upon the Taufeeq to make Shukr: This is incumbent upon the One who understands that the True Benefactor is Allah. He feeds me, He clothes me, He guides me, He guards me, He consoles me, He blesses me.
Upon Shukr has Allah promised everything to us: He has promised in the Holy Qur’an that He will Most certainly increase those who are grateful to him. He has promised that He will reward those who make Shukr. He has promised His Divine Love for those who make Shukr.
Hadhrat Musa Alayhi Salaam was once on his way to converse with Allah Ta’aala. Along the way he met a person who was extremely wealthy. This person grabbed the garment of Hadrat Musa Alayhi Salaam and said to him that ask Allah Ta’aala to lessen His blessings upon me. I have so much that I do not know what to do with my wealth. Thereafter Musa Alayhi Salaam met a poor man who only had a shawl. This man asked Musa alayhi Salaam to ask Allah Ta’ala to increase him as he owned nothing. When Musa Alaihis Salaam returned from his journey, he met the wealthy person and told him that Allah Ta’alaa said that he should make less Shukr and His blessings will decrease. The men cried and said that it is impossible for him not to make Shukr. Allah Ta’ala revealed to Musa Alayhis Salaam that tell him that I keep My promise. I will increase him. Thereafter Musa Alayhi Salaam met the poor man and told him that Allah Ta’ala said that he should make Shukr for what he has. The poor man got angry and said what do I have in life besides this shawl? Just then the wind blew and his shawl flew away!
The Auliya have stated: True Shukr is at the time of Sabr that no matter how difficult things are there is always a lot to be grateful for. May Allah Ta’aala grant us the Taufeeq to be amongst His Shakireen. (Ameen)