Qillat-e-Ikhtilaat Ma’al Anaam (Reducing Association)
Unnecessary association with people should not be augmented. Remember that besides Allah, there are three kinds of association:
1. Praiseworthy Association – The Shariat commands this type of association, for in itself it is an association with Allah Ta’ala. Ending such association is not permissible.
2. Detestable Association – The Shariat prohibits such association. Ending such association is Waajib (compulsory).
3. Permissible Association – This association is neither Ibaadat nor sin. It is not necessary to end such association. Although permissible, there is a need to reduce such association.
The instruction to discontinue association refers to detestable and permissible association and not to praiseworthy association.
However, in so far as detestable association is concerned, the discontinuance must be total, i.e. such association is to be compulsorily ended, and in regard to permissible association the meaning is reduction or limiting such association.