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From the teachings of Shaikh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat الله هظفح)

You’ve just watched or listened to 90 minutes of football. It was just harmless fun?

Your team won? Mind if I ask what you’ve gained?

Please take a moment and look at this. It’s amazing what these very 90 minutes could have done for you…

By reciting 3 Juz from the Qur’aan Majeed, your 90 minutes could have earned you 282 240 rewards!

By reciting Alhamdulillaah in 90 minutes, you could have filled your Meezaan (scale) 5 940 times!

By reciting SubhaanAllaah Walhamdulillaah, you could have earned the reward equal to the space between the earth and the skies 2 970 times!

By reciting SubhaanAllaahi Walhamdulillaahi Walaa-ilaaha IllAllaahu WAllaahu Ak-bar in 90 minutes, you could have planted 1 620 trees in Jannah!

By reciting Durood in 90 minutes, you could have had 51 300 sins forgiven, 51 300 rewards granted and 51 300 stages elevated in Paradise!

By reciting Surah Ikhlaas in 90 minutes, you could have earned the reward equal to 360 complete Qur’aan recitals and built yourself 108 palaces in Jannah!

So the next time you have 90 minutes at hand, I hope you’ll know how to make your-self a winner.


We obey the commands of the referee, yet we never think about obeying the commandments of Allah . We go to the stadium hours before kick-off, yet we always leave for the Masjid when Salah is already over. “We know the life history of soccer-stars, yet we don’t know the life history of our Beloved Nabi .

“Soccer results affect our hearts, yet the slaughter of thousands has no effect on us. We prepare ourselves mentally and physically for a soccer match yet we never think of preparing ourselves for Jihaad.”

“We always talk of the post-mortem of a match, yet we never talk about the greatness of Allah                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

“When the game goes into extra-time, we all get excited, yet when the Imaam makes his Salah 2 minutes longer, we cry ‘foul’!

(The Soccer World Cup by Ml Moosa Kajee and Ml Imraan Kajee.

Courtesy Anwaarul Abraar