The Inspiration to Make Du‛ā is a Gift From Allah Ta’ala
Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‛alayhi wa sallam said: “The person who has been inspired to make du‛ā has the doors of Allāh’s inspiration opened to him.” Another narration states that the doors of Paradise have been opened to him.
Hadrat Hājī Imdādullāh Sāhib rahimahullāh said: “If a person is inspired to make du‛ā, it is an indication that Allāh ta‛ālā wants to give him.”
Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‛alayhi wa sallam said that du‛ā is the only thing which can remove divine decree. It cannot be removed through planning and caution. Du‛ā is also beneficial for the removal of a calamity which has already descended. Sometimes a calamity is
descending, while a person’s du‛ā is ascending. The two confront each other and they continue combating each other until the day of Resurrection. This shows that we must continue making du‛ā even before the descent of calamities. Through the blessing of the du‛ā, the calamity either does not descend, or is deferred.
In fact, some Ahādīth state that even a person’s lifespan increases through du‛ā. His sustenance also increases. It is only through du‛ā that Allāh ta‛ālā shows His affection in every situation and condition.
On one occasion, it was revealed [exposed] to Hadrat Ghauth Pāk [‛Abd al-Qādir Jīlānī rahimahullāh] that a certain person will commit adultery seventy times. It was also cast in his mind that if a pious servant of Allāh ta‛ālā makes du‛ā for this person, the seventy times of adultery will be changed to seventy wet dreams.
Hadrat Ghauth Pāk rahimahullāh thought to himself: “Why should I not make du‛ā for him?” He then made du‛ā for the man. The next morning, some people placed the man on a bed and brought him to Hadrat Ghauth Pāk rahimahullāh saying:
“Hadrat! This man is dying. He had seventy wet dreams.”
Hadrat said:
“Congratulations! Allāh ta‛ālā has saved you from a very major sin. Be grateful to Him.”
So you see! This is the effect and power of du‛ā.
Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‛alayhi wa sallam said that there is nothing more valuable in Allāh’s sight than du‛ā. The person who would like Allāh ta‛ālā to accept his du‛ās at times of hardships should make du‛ā to Him in abundance during times of prosperity and happiness. Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‛alayhi wa sallam also said that du‛ā is the weapon of a believer, a pillar of Dīn, and a light of the skies.
One of the peculiar qualities of du‛ā is that weak planning becomes strong. The person who engages in du‛ā develops a special bond with Allāh ta‛ālā. When a person is engrossed in du‛ā, he must ponder and reflect, and he will perceive a special bond with Allāh ta‛ālā.
A special bond with Him cannot be established without this; it will be a mere imagination.
One of the benefits of du‛ā is that the person will be considered excused in the court of Allāh ta‛ālā because when he is questioned: “Why did you not follow the truth?” He will reply: “I made many efforts in my quest for the truth. Allāh ta‛ālā was always One. I beseeched him as well to make the truth clear to me.”
Through His mercy and affection, Allāh ta‛ālā sometimes looks at the submission, beseeching and crying of His righteous servants.
Consequently, He causes the effects to take place with incomplete means or without any means solely through His power.
Hadrat Moulana Shah Muhammad Farūq Sahib rahimahullah.