Zulmat (spiritual darkness) accompanies even the Deeni talks of an irreligious person. Even the words he writes are enwrapped in a measure of darkness.
In contrast, there is Noor in even the worldly talk of a pious person. Speech in reality springs from the heart. Therefore, the state of the heart will most certainly exercise its effect in a man’s speech and writing. Since the impression of the speaker’s heart is in his speech and in his writing, one should not be in the company of irreligious persons nor study their books.
There is Noor in the heart of the musalli (one who performs Salaat). The effect of this Noor becomes discernable on the face as well.
On contrary there is zulmat (darkness) in the heart of one who does not perform Salaat. This zulmat becomes manifest on the face as well. The zulmat on the face indicates that certainly there is a fire inside the heart and the darkness on the face is its smoke. Such a person has darkened his body and soul. The effect of this darkness of the heart/soul is that such a person has no detestation for bribery, lies or slander. He is unconcerned if he usurps someone’s property and if he refuses to pay his debts. He flagrantly stares with lust at young lads and women. He has no dislike for the adoption of the appearance of non-Muslims