Q & A
Does one say أنا لله وانا اليه راجعون at the demise of a Non Muslim?
It is not permissible to recite Inna Lillaahi Wa Innaa… upon the death of a kaafir.
The one who recited the Du’aa should make Istighfaar for his blunder.
It comes in the Hadeeth Shareef that when a faasiq dies then the earth and the Believing Servants of Allah breathe a sigh of relief.
We sell goods by the laybye system. Our time limit is two months. If the customer does not collect his laybye, we wait another two months then open the parcel and sell the goods. If he comes thereafter, we give him a refund of the amount he had paid. What should be done if the customer does not come?
A. In the laybye system, the goods belong to the customer. The trader retains possession until he is fully paid. You are allowed to open up the parcel and sell the items after the two month mutually agreed on time limit. The payments made by the customer have to be refunded to him whenever he comes, even if after years. If the goods have been sold at a higher price than the laybye price, the profit also has to be given to the customer. If there is a genuine loss, the loss may be deducted from the payment made by the customer. If after one year, the customer has not come, then the money has to be given as Sadqah. But even after having given the money to charity, if the customer arrives, you will have to make the refund, and you will receive the thawab of the Sadqah.
[The Majlis, Vol.24 No.1]
I no longer attend nikahs in the Musjid because of videoing and the almost compulsory customof qiraa’t. Are my reasons valid?
Your reasons for not attending the nikahs are valid. It is not permissible to attend such nikahs where haraam and bid’ah are practised.
A person underwent a sex operation to become a female. Will Hijaab have to be observed for such a woman?
When this person dies, will the laws applying to a woman be observed?
Firstly, it is haraam – not permissible to undergo an operation to change one’s sex. Thela’nat (curse) of Allah Ta’ala settleson such a person.
However,if such an operation has already been done, then the person will be classified according to the functioning of the sexual organs.
If the person’s male sex organ is functioning, then the person will be classified a man in terms of the Shariah. If the female sexualorgan and attributes are functioning,
the person will be classified a woman.
For the person classified a male, all the ahkaam (laws) of the Shariah applicable to a man will apply. If the person is classified a female, then all the
ahkaam of females will become applicable.
Can jinns possess human beings? Was there any such event in the time of Nabi Muhammad (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam)?
A. Yes, jinn are able to possess human beings. A number of such events had occurred among the Sahaabah. A very senior Sahaabi was even killed by a jinn. A jinn
in the form of a huge snake caused the collapse of the house of a Sahaabi.
[The Majlis, Vol.24 No.1]