The Value of Fadhaail and Masaail
The Value of Fadhaail and Masaail
Look at the munificence of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)! He did not leave out anything of benefit to us in his Tableegh (propagation). Otherwise, it follows that, Na’oothubillah, Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) evaded us and he concealed what is beneficial to us.
All these Ahkaam of Qurbaani, Namaaz, Roza, Haj and Zakaat seem to us presently to be insignificant and we do not value them. In other words, we do not value these Ahkaam as they should be valued. The reason for this is that it has come down from our forefathers. Those who have received these treasures after searching are different. It is like a hungry person will treasure even half a piece of roti. And if one’s stomach is aching then the best of meals will not be appreciated.
The Sahaabah received answers after posing questions. After searching they found the answers, whereas we have received these for free.
In the Hadeeth is a similar case. Just as the Sahaabah treasured the answer, we should likewise appreciate it.
Nothing is more virtuous and beneficial than these topics of thawaab and athaab (reward and punishment). And in spite of being beneficial they are so easy that there is no problem in them. In fact, proof for them being beneficial is their ease. It is a law of nature that whatever is of general and abundant use and benefits, it is easily available.
Look at air. Humans and animals are in need of air more than anything else. If air is cut off for even a minute [and a person suffocates] then his life is at a peril. This air is so cheap that it requires no payment.
Then there is water. It is not so cheap, but in comparison to other things it is cheap. Then there is food. It is more expensive. And the things which are not necessary are extremely expensive, such as precious stones. If a person does not own a precious stone his entire life, there is no harm and problem in it. There are countless people who do not know what a ruby is; and what does emerald mean.
Similarly, those branches of knowledge which are beneficial and of use, they are very easy. The Sciences of the Shariah are just like that. They are extremely necessary, beneficial and of use. And on account of this the Sciences of the Shariah are very easy. There are people available everywhere to teach the Deen. This is the mystery behind the abundant teachers of the Qur’aan Shareef. And their services can be procured for a paltry sum. This is unlike other fields of study. Qualified personnel in such fields are less and their services are exorbitant.
In short, the thing to be considered is benefit; not the other makings of the topic, such as uniqueness, flowery speech, or pleasure, subtleness, etc. Most people search for flowery speech. In this regard, they crave for a bayaan with wonderful poetry, subtle points, jokes and stories. This they like. And if masaail are explained in a bayaan then people run away from such a bayaan, whereas this is more beneficial. But where do they know what is of benefit to them? Allah Ta’ala says:
“Perhaps you detest something, whereas it is better for you. And perhaps you love something whereas it is bad for you.” (Surah Baqarah, 216)
It is an immense mercy of Allah Ta’ala that He has informed us of such subjects which are of use to us and that He did not teach us useless and unnecessary subjects, regardless of them being exciting. We have mentioned all this so that the topic which will be addressed now is not thought of to be worthless and insignificant.
(Extract from Targheebul Udh’hiyyah by Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi Rahmatullahi Alaih)