Having Adab for Books
Nowadays there is no adab in people. I cautioned a servant who was holding a Deeni kitaab and socks in the same hand. The socks were against the Kitaab. Some students hold the Kitaab in their left hand while the shoes are in the right hand. This is evil and disrespectful. Ostensibly it assigns a higher status to the shoes.
-Hakeemul Ummah (رحمه الله)
(Malfoozaat – Part 8)
Moulana Maseehullah (رحمه الله) emphasized the importance of treating any paper with writing on it with respect and care. Any form of written knowledge, whether religious or secular, should be handled with adab (etiquette). This includes treating the paper gently, not crumpling or throwing it away carelessly, and being mindful of its content.
In his teachings, Moulana Maseehullah (رحمه الله) often reminded his students to be respectful of all forms of knowledge and to avoid any behavior that may be perceived as disrespectful or careless. This includes being mindful of how they handle books, papers, and other written materials.