The Confession of a Grave Digger at Jannat ul Baqi
(Partial translation from an audio clip. Unknown)
Let me share an encounter I had with a gravedigger from Jannat al-Baqi.
I asked him, “Tell me something about Jannat al-Baqi. We hear that you dig graves there.”
The grave digger asked: “Do you smell the fragrance coming from my body?”
I said, “Yes, there’s a strong fragrance. What perfume have you applied?”
He replied, “By Allah, I haven’t applied any perfume. It’s the fragrance of Baqi, the fragrance of the soil of Jannat al-Baqi.”
He said, “If you look at any graveyard in the world, you’ll find many insects and creatures because bodies are being buried, and naturally, graveyards aren’t clean. But in Jannat al-Baqi, there’s not a single insect. I’m not telling you spiritual things; what happens inside spiritually, only Allah and His beloved know. I’m telling you what is visible.”
He said, ‘Brother Abdul Habib, many times while digging a grave, such a cool breeze comes, that I lie down inside the grave and fall asleep.’
Allahu Akbar!
Have you ever seen a gravedigger sleeping in a grave?
He said, “The breeze is so cool and peaceful that I lie down and fall asleep while working inside the grave.”
I kissed his hands and said, ‘”Pray for us that we are granted a place in Jannat al-Baqi.’ It’s an amazing graveyard.”
by Ml Khalid D