Three Degrees of Jealousy
There are three degrees of jealousy.
The first degree is the springing in the heart of a desire that you may get the like of a blessing which another person possesses It is better that you may get the blessing without depriving the other person of his possession. If this is not possible then the blessing of the other person may be taken away from him and given to you. This is the first degree of jealousy.
The second degree of jealousy is that the blessing in the possession of some other person may be snatched away from him and given to you:
This degree consists of two aspects.
Firstly, the blessing may be taken away from its owner
Secondly, that it may be given to you.
The third degree of jealousy is in the desire that the blessing may be taken away from its owner along with the status and honour which he is enjoying by virtue of this blessing whether that the blessing is passed on to you or not.
This is the worst and most heinous degree of jealousy.
May Almighty Allah protect us all from this. Āmīn
Discourses on Islamic Way of Life 5/69