The Wearing of the Topi/Head Covering/Turban

Reading Time: 2 minutes


The wearing of the Islamic Hat (topee/head covering/turban) is the pride, the sign, the light and the honour  of a Muslim. It is also the  Sunnah of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).

The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said: “The  difference between us and the Mushrikeen is that we wear  our Turbans on our topee, and they wear it without a topee”. The great Jurists have stated that it is Sunnah for men to wear the turban during Salaah, since the reward for this is more. This  shows that the  hat should be worn, because if the turban is worn, it must be  worn on a hat. It is in “Fatawa Alamgeeri”, page 291, that the wearing of the  hat is a Sunnah. It  is in all the famous books of Fiqh that to abstain from wearing the hat without reason is Makrooh-e-Tanzeehi, and if the hat falls in Salaah, then to put it on is better. This  should, however, not be Fel-e-Katheer (where is falls  continuously).

It is also disliked to read Namaaz or make Tilaawat of the Quran Shareef without the hat. It is also Makrooh to go into  the toilet without a hat. Some people say that if the  hat was so necessary, then why is it during Hajj  one does not use it in the Kaaba. Such persons should know that there are various other things that you are not allowed  to do in the Kaaba that you could do anywhere else.

Some of them are stated below:-

  1. To make Raml (walk proudly) during Tawaaf in Hajj is allowed. Will you do this anywhere else, whereas the Quran has stated: “Do not walk on the Earth with pride”?
  2. To avoid the use of soaps and perfumes in Ihraam is essential. Does this mean that it should not be used at all during other times, even though the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) used ‘Ittar and commanded it’s use on Jummah and Eid?
  3. During the days of Hajj, we are not allowed to use sewn clothes. Does this mean that you should always wear unsewn clothes, even though it has been stated that the humans are decorated by their clothes?
  4. During Hajj, one is allowed to pass in front of a Namaazi. Will you always do this, even though it is not allowed in another time? Has it not been stated that if one were to know the punishment for passing in front of a Namaazi, then even if he had  to wait all his life for the Namaazi to turn Salaam, he  would do so?
  5. During Hajj, you are allowed to read Zohr and Asr in Arafaat in the time of Asr, and Maghrib and Esha in the time of Esha in Muzdalifa. Will you perform your Namaaz in this way even if you are in your own country?


Muslims! Respect the hat and use it in Ibaadat. May Allah have mercy on us and save us from the ways of others.