An Open Invitation of Allah Ta’ala: A Reflection on RSVP and Allah Ta’ala invite
When we receive an invitation to an event or gathering, it is customary to RSVP (Responding to Save the Date) to let the host know whether we will be attending or not. This is a common practice in human gatherings, as it allows the host to make necessary arrangements and preparations for the event.
However, when it comes to the invitation of the Almighty, we are not required to RSVP. In fact, the invitation of Allah Ta’ala is always open and unconditional, and we can turn to Him at any time, in any place.
But, as Muslims, we often decline or snub Allah’s invitation to worship and devotion. We may be too busy with our daily routines, or we may be distracted by the worldly pleasures and desires. We may even neglect our prayers, or forget to recite the Quran, or ignore the call to worship.
The Quranic verse “And when My servants ask you concerning Me, then indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me.” (Quran 2:186) emphasizes the immediacy and directness of Allah’s response to our supplications. This verse underscores the idea that we don’t need to RSVP or prepare ourselves in advance to receive Allah’s mercy and blessings.
In Islamic theology, worship is not a one-time event, but rather a continuous process that requires our dedication and commitment. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Worship is a continuous process, and the best of it is the worship of the heart.” (Tirmidhi) This hadith highlights the importance of maintaining a consistent and sincere attitude towards worship, rather than just performing rituals and acts of worship out of obligation or habit.
In conclusion, while RSVP is necessary for human gatherings and events, it is not required when it comes to the invitation of the Almighty. Allah’s invitation to worship is always open, and we can turn to Him at any time, in any place.