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What is Sabr?

Sabr literally means ‘endurance’, or more accurately ‘perseverance’ and ‘persistence’.

It teaches us to remain spiritually steadfast and to keep doing good actions in the personal and collective domain, specifically when facing opposition or encountering problems, setbacks, or unexpected and unwanted results. It is patience in the face of all unexpected and unwanted outcomes.

Sabr does not only mean ‘to wait till it is over’!

  • Sabris suppressing that angry voice in your head, the one that wants you to yell at people for being inconsiderate to you and your toils.


  • Sabris swallowing that voice, overcoming it and learning to channel it towards a heartfelt Dua


  • Sabris forgiving someone when they dismiss your feelings.


  • Sabris meeting those who deserted you, with a smile on your lips, even though your tears are only an eyelid away from exposing your real feelings.


  • Sabris staying silent because you have already stated your point too many times before.


  • Sabris conforming to someone’s demand because of their rights over you.


  • Sabr is fulfilling the rights of others even when they transgress against yours.


  • Sabris crying about your heartache in front of Allàh alone and no one else.


  • Sabris believing wholeheartedly that Allàh has beautiful things in store for you.


  • Sabris crawling forward even when you want to stop.


  • Sabris an active state of being, it is not a theory to simply be discussed and forgotten.


And it is worth it! 

Every single second of it is so worth it because Allàh loves the ones who are patient and forbearing!

And it’s worth going through the worst of the worst if it means that it will gain you Allàh’s love.


By Haqqseeker