CONDITION THE MIND TO BE PATIENT WITH WOMEN – Hazratjee Moulana Maseehullah Khan Saheb (rahmatullahi ‘alaih)

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Hazratjee Moulana Maseehullah Khan Saaheb (rahmatullahi ‘alaih) said:

“Most women are very good by nature. But, after all, a woman is a woman. They must say something.

On such occasions I forgive her immediately. I do not ever say anything negative to her, even if the food is late or if it is not cooked on time.

If she added too much chillies in the food, then too I do not say anything.

This is how I look after my wife.
I cannot ever remember telling her that she must cook something special for me. If, perchance, she said something incorrect or inappropriate, I do not worry about it in the least.

I let her say whatever she wants. These four walls are her territory and she may say whatever she wants here.

What sacrifices she has made.

She left the lap of her mother,

the shoulders of her father.

She left the home in which she grew up and came to live in a strange place.

This is indeed a great favour from her as well as her parents.

When she left her parent’s home to come to live with you, she cried and left.

O Man! Think for a while.

Had Allah Ta‘ala made you a woman, then only would you have understood.

Why then do you not have mercy on this poor woman?

If, in the confines of these four walls, she does not express her rule over you then over who will she express herself?

Please, whatever she says to you, listen to her.”

(Hazrat Moulana Maseehullah Khan Saaheb [rahmatullahi ‘alaih] – A Brief Biography, pg. 210)