All of us carry some good in us. The good in us is inherited from birth. Every baby is born sinless until the age of puberty wherefrom our deeds are then recorded in the book of deeds. While fathers and mothers make every effort to nurture their dear loved ones with good thoughts, manners, etc. during childhood, it is then incumbent on the new ‘adult’ to seek the companionship of good.
Everyone should strive to keep good as a companion. The merits of good can never be contested by any one * not even the most advanced technology. The person who adopts ‘the companion of good’ will most certainly succeed in this world and the hereafter, Insha Allah. Should anyone neglect virtuous deeds then the consequences would be disastrous.
Allah Ta’ala says, ‘If you do good, you do good for your own soul, and if you do evil, it is for them (in like manner).’ (al-Isra17:7)
It is evident from this verse about the benefits of doing good. So let good be always part of you and your companion for life.