Kids Visiting their Father at a Non-Muslim’s Home

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Kids Visiting their Father at a Non-Muslim’s Home

I would like to know, once my husband has given me a Talaaq, due to him committing adultery, is it Islamic for my kids to visit him at a non-Muslim woman’s home for weekends.


A venue conducive to the children’s moral upbringing should be agreed upon. Allowing your children to spend time at a kaafirah’s home is highly detrimental to their Islamic upbringing.

The spiritual contamination of kufr and the pollution of sin at the home of the kaafirah whom your ex-husband is consorting will have an adverse effect on your children and whatever Deeni and moral Ta’leem you impart to them will be neutralized. You should therefore not arrange for the kaafirah’s home as venue for them meeting their father.