Paying the Bookkeeper Zakaat on Behalf of a Debtor
Reading Time: < 1 minute
Q. Zaid owes the bookkeeper some money. Amr wishes to pay Zaid’s debt, but Amr wants to use zakaat money to settle the debt which Zaid owes the bookkeeper. Is it fine for Amr to use zakaat money?
Paying the Bookkeeper Zakaat on Behalf of a Debtor
Q. Zaid owes the bookkeeper some money. Amr wishes to pay Zaid’s debt, but Amr wants to use zakaat money to settle the debt which Zaid owes the bookkeeper. Is it fine for Amr to use zakaat money?
A. If Zaid is a faqeer (indigent and eligible for Zakaat) and he furthermore consents to Amr paying his debt then the Zakaat will be discharged, otherwise not