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Istighnaa and Tawakkul

Amongst the very special qualities of the Awliyaa (friends of Allah Ta‟ala) is istighnaa (remaining aloof from the things of this world). Man naturally is inclined towards this world and the attractions of this world. He works hard, day and night, to amass the necessities and luxuries of life. He keeps before him his entire life and projects how he can earn enough to carry him through the short stay of life.
The world had also come forth and presented itself before Hadhrat Shaikhul Islam (rahmatullahi alayh) but Hadhrat never, for a moment, lifted his gaze towards it.

In this regard, Moulana Ahmad Husain Saahib Laaharpuri narrates the following incident:

In 1936, Hadhrat Shaikhul Islam (rahmatullahi alayh) visited Sambhal and mentioned in a majlis that when he was released from the Sabramati jail, a member from the Bengal council came to meet him. He offered him 40 000 Rupees as a gift and promised that he will send 5 500 rupees every month thereafter. Hadhrat (rahmatullahi alayh) asked what work was expected from him. He replied, “Nothing. All we want is that you must remain silent and not take part in the struggle against the British.” Hadhrat (rahmatullahi alayh) replied, “I am sorry, but I will never move away from the path upon which my ustaaz, Hadhrat Shaikhul Hind (rahmatullahi alayh) had placed me upon.”
40 000 rupess in those days may equal to a few million Rupees today. This was a time when Hadhrat (rahmatullahi alayh) had absolutely no income. A few days after this incident, he took up a post in Madrasah Islamiyyah Sylhet for a salary of 150 Rupees.

This quality of istighnaa in Hadhrat Madani (rahmatullahi alayh) was inherited from Hadhrat Moulana Gangohi (rahmatullahi alayh) and Hadhrat Haji Imdaadullah Saahib (rahmatullahi alayh). Whilst living in Madinah Munawwarah, days would pass in his home without any food, yet he would continue teaching in Masjidun Nabawi without taking any salary. In this difficult condition, the father of Moulana Abdul Haq Saahib Madani requested Hadhrat (rahmatullahi alayh) to come daily to his residence to teach his son for a suitable salary. Hadhrat (rahmatullahi alayh) blankly refused saying to him, “Send him to the Haram Shareef and I will teach him there for free. Forgive me but I will not be able to come to your residence and teach for a salary.”
Qari Asghar Husain Saahib was in charge of Hadhrat‟s household affairs. One year, he began saving some monies and kept it aside for Eidul Adha. Eventually he gathered about 300 Rupees with the hope that at the time of Eid there would be no difficulty in purchasing an animal. It so happened that a thief came and stole all the money. When Hadhrat (rahmatullahi alayh) heard about this he commented, “This action of hoarding was against tawakkul, therefore the money got stolen.”


Shaikhul Islam, Hadhrat Moulana Sayyid Husain Ahmad Madani (rahmatullahi alayh)
Chapter 7 167