The Next Time Someone Accuses Islam As Being Too RESTRICTED,
The Next Time Someone Accuses Islam As Being Too RESTRICTED,
Ask them…
●A Seat Belt Restricts your movement,
Yet you wear one.
●An Air Hostess Restricts you from moving during Turbulence,
Yet you adhere.
●A Red Light Restricts you from Driving,
Yet you Obey and stop at it.
Because these Restrictions are put in place for OUR Safety and Protection!
Likewise in Islam…
We are Restricted from Music to Protect our Hearts and Minds.
We are restricted from displaying our bodies and faces to protect our body, modesty and dignity.
We are Restricted from Gambling to Protect our Wealth.
We are Restricted from Drugs and Intoxicants to Protect our Health, Body, Mind and Dignity.
And the list goes on…..
Thus, the issue is Not RESTRICTION, But rather
The WISDOM and PURPOSE behind it!