A Valuable Journey of a Muslim and a Christian

Reading Time: < 1 minute


A Muslim and a Christian set out on a journey. After eight days of travelling, they stopped at a certain place. The Christian told the Muslim, “Serve me with some food. It has been eight days since we have eaten.” The Muslim became worried and turned to Allah in du`aa, “O Allah! Do not disgrace me before this disbeliever. Pleasegrant me some food.” Allah accepted his du`aa and a tray of food appeared at once. The food in it was of a very high standard. The two of them then shared the food.

They continued their journey for another eight days. On the eighth day the Muslim told the Christian, “It is now your turn to feed us,” fearing that he be asked again. The Christian leant against his stick and said a few words. To his utter amazement, two trays fully laden with food of a far better quality than the first tray appeared. The Muslim was very astonished.
When the Christian asked him to join him, he refused. The Christian told him, “Eat this food. I have two amazing things to tell you. One is this that the food was granted through your barkat (blessing). I made
du`aa to Allah that if this bondsman holds some value in Your sight, then grant us some food. Secondly, I bear witness that there is no god except Allah and Muhammad is His messenger. I have entered the
fold of Islam.”

From this, we understand that a new Muslim does not realise his actual rank. We also understand that at times, a person receives something because of the next person, yet that person is totally unaware of it.

Malfoozaat of Faqeeh-ul-Ummat