Qurbaani Masaail
Reading Time: 4 minutes
1. Can an animal without a tail or half a tail be slaughtered for Qurbaani?
4. Camels have to be 5 years of age. Is there any way of telling the age of the camel? Last year at a certain Madrasah 2 camels where slaughtered but no one was aware of the correct ages.
Qurbaani Masaail
Laws Pertaining to the Eidul Adh’ha Sacrifice
1. Can an animal without a tail or half a tail be slaughtered for Qurbaani?
A. Qurbaani of an animal whose tail or half of the tail is cut is not valid.
2. In what situation will an animal without a tail be allowed to be slaughtered for Qurbaani?
A. This question is superfluous. Animals with tails are available plentiful. Even local non-Muslim farmers are aware of the Mas-alah that the Qurbaani animal should have a tail and hence they rear animals especially with tails for Qurbaani.
3. Cattle have to be two years old to suffice for Qurbaani. How does one check if the cattle are actually two years old? Some farmers say that cattle start cutting permanent teeth at two years; some say the animals that feed on the veld cut permanent teeth at 18 months because of constant pulling at the grass. How can one be sure of the age when there are many different opinions?
A. If the farmer says that the cattle are not two years of age then it is not permissible to slaughter such animals. If there is doubt then an older animal should be purchased.
4. Camels have to be 5 years of age. Is there any way of telling the age of the camel? Last year at a certain Madrasah 2 camels where slaughtered but no one was aware of the correct ages.
A. It is not permissible to slaughter an animal when in doubt of the age of the animal, i.e. whether the animal is large enough for Qurbaani. The age is determined through the teeth. A reliable person having expertise has to be asked regarding the teeth. Two permanent teeth in the lower jaw is said to indicate that the camel is 5 years of age.
5. The lambing period is May/June and October/November. This means that the majority of the lambs will be 4 or 5 months old. There is no way of telling the difference between a 4 month old lamb and a 6 month old lamb. The mas’alah is, if the sheep is 6 months old and looks a year it will suffice. What happens to those who purchase a 4 month old lamb after being told it is 6 months and clearly looks like a 1 year old? Is that person’s Qurbaani valid?
A. It is not permissible. In no circumstance is the Qurbaani of a lamb younger than 6 months valid.
6. Can females slaughter their own Qurbaani in the view of other ghair mahram males?
A. It is not permissible for females to slaughter their own Qurbaani animals when ghair mahrams are present.
7. Can a person who doesn’t have sufficient knowledge on how to execute zabah slaughter?
A. It is not permissible.
8. Can a na baaligh (minor) child slaughter the Qurbaani animal on behalf of his parents?
A. If the na baaligh (minor) is intelligent and discerning then his slaughter will be permissible with the condition of reciting the Tasmiyah.
9. What is the best animal to slaughter for Qurbaani?
A. The best animal is that which is the healthiest and most expensive.
10. Should one fast the morning of Eid till his Qurbaani animal is slaughtered? Should he partake of the Qurbaani animal first to “break his fast”? What should he do if he is going to slaughter his animal on the second day?
A. There is no ‘fast’ on the Day of Eid. The person intending to make Qurbaani is advised to delay his eating till his animal is slaughtered so that he can partake of the animal first. This is mustahab. However, if the animal is only going to be slaughtered on the second day then he should obviously have his Eid breakfast.
11. In a rural area where there is no Eid Salaah can slaughtering commence immediately after Fajr Salaah?
A. Yes.
12. Can part of the animal e.g. “head, feet, tripe, kaleji, etc.” be given as payment for skinning?
A. No.
13. Can the animal be slaughtered in a clamp that is tilted so the animal lies on the left side facing Qiblah, but is about half a metre above the ground?
A. If the animal is lying comfortably on its left side and facing the Qiblah then the elevation of the animal is of no significance. It is permissible.
14. A person can afford to do Qurbaani locally but chooses to send his money overseas. Will this Qurbaani be valid?
A. It is valid.
15. Is a bull or ox better to slaughter for Qurbaani? A bull is not castrated whilst an ox is castrated.
A. The animal which is pricier, healthier and yields more meat will be better.
16. What is the ruling with regards to using the cattle immobilizer? Kindly view the attachment which depicts the immobilizer.
A. It is not permissible to use the stunning apparatus dubbed ‘immobilizer’ for the purposes of Qurbaani and slaughtering of an animal. All pre-slaughter forms of injury inflicted on the animal are forbidden.
17. Is it permissible for a sheep to have a long tail?
A. It is in fact necessary for the Qurbaani animal to have a tail. If a third or more of the tail is cut, the animal will not be valid for Qurbaani.
19. Is it true that the animal you slaughter, you will ride on that animal when crossing the Pul Siraat?
A. Yes, it is true that the Qurbaani animal will be one’s transport over the Pul Siraat (Bridge over Jahannam).