1. Do not be so greedy for wealth that you forget to distinguish between halâl and harâm. Furthermore, do not waste the halâl wealth that Allah has blessed you with. Instead, spend it sparingly and on occasions of true necessity.
2. If a person who has been afflicted with a certain calamity decides to sell something of his because he is forced to do so (i.e. because he is desperately in need of the cash), then do not oppress him thinking him to be in extreme need. Nor should you ask him to reduce the price of the item. You should either help him or purchase that item from him at an appropriate price.
3. If your debtor is poor, do not distress him further. Instead, grant him a respite. Waive a certain amount of the debt, or better still, waive the entire debt.
4. If you owe money to a person and you have that amount to pay him, then it is extremely sinful and oppressive for you to delay in fulfilling this debt of yours.
5. As far as possible, do not take up any debt upon yourself. If there is no alternative, then always be concerned about paying it back. Do not become neglectful in this regard. If your creditor tells you something (with regard to your debt), keep quiet and listen. Do not counter-attack him nor become angry.
6. It is a very evil habit to conceal something that belongs to someone jokingly and which thereby causes him great distress.
7. Once a labourer has fulfilled his task, do not display any shortfall in paying him.
8. At the time of famine, some people sell their children. It is harâm to turn these children into slaves.
9. If you provide fire-wood (or anything else such as a stove, coal, etc.) to someone in order that he may prepare a meal, or you provide salt to the person in order that she may use it to prepare a meal, it is as if you have provided them with the entire meal.
10. There is great reward in providing drinking water. If you provide drinking water in a place where water is easily obtainable, it is as if you have freed a slave. And if you provide this water in a place where water is scarce, it is as if you have given life to a dead person.
11. If you have to give or receive something from someone or you have someone’s amânah in your possession, then mention this to several persons. Alternatively, have this written down so that if you pass away, (all this will be paid) and you will not be owing anything to anyone.