Reading Time: 2 minutes


Innovations and Evil Customs
To introduce something which has no basis in Shariah into the Deen, to regard it as part of Deen, and to act upon it with the hope of reward, is called a bid’ah (innovation). An innovation is a major sin.
The following innovations and customs should be abstained from:
1. To organize and hold grand fairs at graves, to light lamps there, for women to visit them, and to cover graves with sheets.
2. To construct tombs over the graves.
3. To go to extremes in revering the graves with a view to please the saint of the grave.
4. To make ta’zias, to kiss the graves and rub its dust on one’s face.
5. To make tawaaf and sajdah to the graves.
6. To read salaat towards the graves.
7. To make offerings of sweetmeats, rice, etc. to the graves.
8. To keep ta’zias or emblems on the graves, and to keep sweets, etc. on them.
9. To salute graves and regard them as unique and incomparable.
10. To abstain from the following acts in the month of Muharram:
(a) eating betel leaves,
(b) applying henna (mehendi),
(c) the company of the husband,
(d) wearing red clothes,
(e) eating out of the dish named after Hazrat Fatimah (R.A.).

Innovations and Evil Customs


To introduce something which has no basis in Shariah into the Deen, to regard it as part of Deen, and to act upon it with the hope of reward, is called a bid’ah (innovation). An innovation is a major sin. The following innovations and customs should be abstained from:
1. To organize and hold grand fairs at graves, to light lamps there, for women to visit them, and to cover graves with sheets.
2. To construct tombs over the graves.
3. To go to extremes in revering the graves with a view to please the saint of the grave.
4. To make ta’zias, to kiss the graves and rub its dust on one’s face.
5. To make tawaaf and sajdah to the graves.
6. To read salaat towards the graves.
7. To make offerings of sweetmeats, rice, etc. to the graves.
8. To keep ta’zias or emblems on the graves, and to keep sweets, etc. on them.
9. To salute graves and regard them as unique and incomparable.