To Ask Allah Ta’ala When Seeing His Favours upon Others

Reading Time: 2 minutes


To Ask Allah Ta’ala When Seeing His Favours upon Others

When one sees the mercy of Allah Ta’ala descending upon other, ask of it for oneself as well.

When Hazrat Zakariyya (Alaihis Salaam) saw in the Mihrab the fruit of paradise being provided for Hazrat Mariam (Alaihas Salaam) which were not available in the markets, he asked of Allah Ta’ala;

…there did Zakariyya pray to His Lord! Saying, “O My Lord! Grant unto me from Thee a progeny that is pure.” (Surah Aal Imran; Verse; 38)

From this we learn that even at the mention of those upon whom Allah Ta’ala has showered His Mercy and Blessings, one should ask and make Dua. Muhaddith-e-Azeem (one of the great scholars of Hadith), Mulla Ali Qari (Rahmatullah Alaihi), regarding righteous ones, states, “the mercy of Allah Ta’ala rains down upon the mention of the righteous. What then will the case be if they are present themselves?” It is for this reason that I say, “There are many pious and righteous servants that attend this gathering, therefore, through their blessings, let us implore Allah Ta’ala: “O Allah Ta’ala! Through the blessings of
these servants, who have come from far and wide in quest of Your love, accept our Dua.”

We have now come to the theme of the lecture. I will now narrate stories of those servants of Allah Ta’ala who have been made Jazb (attraction) by Him, so that through their blessings, we can make Dua and be attracted by Allah Ta’ala, as was the case of Hazrat Zakariyya (Alaihis Salaam) who, when he saw the food and fruit of Jannah being provided to Hazrat Mariam (Alaihas Salaam), prayed for a son.
Allah Ta’ala is able to make possible the impossible. My aim is to relate to you the condition of these pious persons and thereafter implore Allah Ta’ala to favor us with, His infinite grace and favors just as He showered His grace and mercy upon them. We must humbly request that He makes all of us Jazb. My Dua will be on the basis and in the light of the Qur’an and ways shown by the beloved Messenger Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). His splendor is very lofty.

Nothing is impossible for Him. The servant considers himself unworthy and unable to become a Wali of Allah Ta’ala. Some individuals’ condition is so critical that they regard themselves as unable to abstain from sins. I take an oath and swear by Allah Ta’ala that the day Allah Ta’ala displays His grace and favor, the day Allah Ta’ala’s decision for one’s guidance is made, one will wonder how this mouse has been transformed into a lion and how this cowardly fox has become a brave lion. Allah Ta’ala’s splendor is extremely lofty. He creates a sun out of an atom and causes the very sun to become eclipsed. He has the power to illuminate an atom in keeping with the radiance of the sun and He has the power to envelop the sun in an eclipse, thereby depriving the world of its brilliant light. For the sake of blessing, I present incidents of those servants whom Allah Ta’ala attracted. There are many incidents of Jazb, but I present a few with the hope that by the blessings of those servants, Allah Ta’ala may also
attract us.

Manifestation Of Allah’s Attraction