The Wife of Musa (alayhis salaam)

Reading Time: 2 minutes


The wife of Musa (alayhis salaam)


Her name is Safura. She is the eldest daughter of Shu’ayb (alayhis salaam). When a kafir was unintentionally killed by Musa (alayhis salaam) in Egypt, Pharaoh learnt of this. He therefore informed his ministers that Musa (alayhis salaam) should be killed. When Musa (alayhis salaam) heard about this plan, he escaped secretly to Madyan. When he reached the boundary of this city, he noticed many shepherds drawing water from a well and giving it to their flock to drink. He also noticed two women sitting aloof from all the shepherds. (Later, the elder of the two was his wife and the other was his sister-in-law). Upon seeing this, he asked them the reason for their not being able to give water to their flock. They replied: “We have no male at home. We therefore have to fulfil this task on our own. Because we are women, we are waiting for all these men to go away. Once they all leave, we draw out the water for our flock.” He felt sorry for them, drew the water all by himself and gave it to the sheep. When they went home, they related the entire incident to their old father. He sent his elder daughter to go and call this noble person. She came to Musa (alayhis salaam) with full modesty and shyness and informed him that her father is calling him. He accompanied her and went and met Shu’ayb (alayhis salaam). The latter consoled him and informed him that he wished to give one of his daughters to him in marriage. However, the condition is that he will have to tend to his sheep for eight or ten years. Musa (alayhis salaam) accepted the offer and married the elder sister. After the completion of ten years, he returned home (to Egypt) with her. Because of the cold during the course of their journey, they needed some fire. He spotted a fire on the Mount Tur so he went towards it. When he reached there, he saw the nur of Allah. It was at this place that he received prophethood.

Lesson: Look at how hard she worked in order to fulfil her domestic tasks. And when she had to speak to a stranger, how modestly and nervously she spoke. O women! You should also abstain from seeking comfort and abstain from laziness with regard to domestic tasks and duties. Furthermore, consider modesty and bashfulness to be necessary at all times.