This is Spiritual Reformation! Hadhrat Moulana Maseehullah Rahmatullahi Alaihi Letter to his Sheikh
A letter written by Hadhrat Moulana Maseehullah Khan Rahmatullahi Alaihi to his honourable Sheikh, Hadhrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thaanwi Rahmatullahi Alaihi
My Beloved Hadhrat,
Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuhu
From a long time this servant, who is the worst of all creation, has been finding some changes in myself. I felt it my obligation to mention this to Hadhrat-Wala and take some advice from Hadhrat.
Until last year my condition was such that if anything against my temperamant occured, I would become very angry. This condition remained over me up to the beginning of this year. However, for some time now, i feel such that if anything has to happen against my tabee’at(temperament) then, forget getting angry, I do not even feel upset about it.
Sometime the baker brings the bread late, or at times, does not even bring the bread and, and as a result, I have to remain hungry. Sometimes the dhobi(washerman) brings my clothes late and at times does not even wash my clothes. But with all of that I do not get angry with them at all. At times I try to explain to them in a very soft and polite tone, but later on feel that, perhaps I was too harsh to them. Hence i would go and seek their forgiveness and give them a little extra money to make them happy.
Hadhrat, Wallahi! At that time this thought storms my mind that there is no difference between myself and them. I also begin to think that they all belong to my beloved (Allah Ta’laa), I do not have the courage and inclination to say anything to them. I feel ashamed that how can i bring any kind of takleef (pain) to the creation of Allah Ta’laa.
Hadhrat I am trying my best not to harm or hurt anyone. The effect of this is such that I do not even feel like killing a scorpion. I feel that this lowly servant, who is the worst of all Allah’s creation, is spending his entire day disobeying Allah and Allah Ta’laa is continously forgiving me. If I am taken to task what will happen to me? Now if these people have to do something that is contrary to my temperament, can i then not forgive them.
I also think in this manner that if someone did bring the food, or washed the clothes or lost my items etc. then all of this is also from Allah Ta’laa
I keep on thinking that these people all belong to my beloved. How can I say anything to them. I do not feel like saying anything to anyone.
Hadhrat Thaanwi’s Rahmatullahi Alaihi’s reply:
Mubaarak! Congratulations! However, as far as a wasp is concerned, you will to do something about it and the manner to do it is to tell someone else that there is a wasp sitting here.
Commenting on this incident Hadhratjee Rahmatullahi Alaihi mentioned:
“This has now became my nature. I do not ever kill any animal. If by chance I killed something, so be it. Otherwise, most of the time i just show it to others.”
On one occasion, the khuddaam (attendants) were all sitting around Hadhrat when a bed bug bit him. He just looked at it and said, “It is so small in size.” to that it was taken outside to be killed