My Children if That Days Come…

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My children if that days come❤

The pain that a mother will go through to see her children succeed in life is phenomenal!

No wonder, the vessel in which she carries her child for 9 months, with such difficulty, is named الرحم ( the womb) which has the same root words as ( الرحمن ) The Merciful Rabb, by the very same Merciful Rabb Himself, for He alone fathoms the extent of Mercy a Mother has for her child. From the day she conceives that baby, until the Day death separates them! Then how could Jannah not be under her feet!.

My child,
One day, you will see me old with illogical patterns.
My child,
If that day comes, I beg you to give me some of your time to pay attention to me. also give some of your patience to understand me.
My child,
When my hands start to shake, so often my food falls into my chest, when I can no longer wear my own clothes, then decorate your attitude with patience to take care of me.
My child,
Remember back when I spent years teaching you things I can’t do today.
My child,
If I’m no longer neat and tidy, don’t blame me. But remember in your childhood, how I always tried to make you neat and fragrant.
My child,
Don’t laugh at me, if you see that I don’t know or don’t understand the development of your era, but be your eyes and my mind, so that I can cover my lag.
My child,
I used to educate you, I used to teach you how to deal with this life.. I was the one who taught you what I should do today, and what I shouldn’t do today.
My child,
Don’t be bored with my weak memory, the slowness of my words and thoughts when talking to you, because what makes me happy when I talk to you right now, is just being with you. Help me to get what I want, for I still know what I want.
My child,
When my two feet are no longer obedient to take me to where I want to be, be you as a loving person.. remember that I used to lead you many times so that you could walk.. so don’t be ashamed to lead me now, because later you will also seek people to guide you.
My child,
Remember, at my age I don’t want a life like you.. but simply, I’m just waiting for death.. so be with me, don’t dump me.
My child,
When you remember my mistakes, remember that there is nothing I want from him except goodness for you.. then, the best thing you can do for me right now is forgive me, cover my disgrace.. may Allah forgive you and cover your disgrace .
My child,
Your laughter and smile still make me happy like before.. Therefore, don’t stop me from accompanying you.
I was with you when you were born, so be with me when I am near death.

Ya Rabb, forgive me and my parents. Love them both, as they have educated me (with love) when I was little.

Oh youth of today…
“They lost their energy for you. Don’t leave them alone when they are weak.”
Do not hurt this fragile heart by commiting the Haraam you are inticed to commit, by those who have absolutely no care for you. Be strong and resist the temptations for Allah’s Pleasure, Whoes loves for you is more than that of 70 mothers, and for your mother’s sake. If only you could see how her heart shatters! 💔
No one will love you, as your mother does!