She is also the wife of Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. A great scholar of Hadith relates that her nikah with Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam took place in the following manner: She came to him and said: “I am gifting my life to you.” In other words, I am prepared to enter into a marriage with you without even any mahr. He accepted this. Marrying in this manner (i.e. without any mahr) was permissible only for Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. A great mufassir relates that the verse which mentions a marriage of this nature was first revealed for this woman. Her first husband’s name was Huwaytib.
Lesson: Look at how much love she had for the Deen that she considered serving Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam as an act of ‘ibadah and was therefore prepared to forfeit her right to receive any mahr. This she did at a time when women used to receive the mahr in cash, i.e. without any delay. It was unlike today where the mahr is delayed until “qiyamah” or death. O women! Consider Deen to be the actual thing of value. Do not have too much love for the world to the extent that you waste your time thinking about it all the time. Twenty fours of the day are spent immersed in these thoughts: If one attains one’s objective one is overjoyed irrespective of whether one receives a reward in doing so or a sin. If one does not obtain it, one is filled with sorrow, begins to complain, becomes jealous of those who possess it, and thereafter begins to have evil intentions.