She is also the daughter of Rasulullah s allallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam Her first marriage was with ‘Utbah, the son of the kafir Abu Lahab. Abu Lahab has been mentioned in the Quran in Surah al-Masad (the 111th surah of the Quran). The father and son did not accept Islam and the former therefore ordered his son to leave her. Upon this, Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam performed her nikah with ‘Uthman radiyallahu ‘anhu. When Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam prepared to leave for the battle of Badr, she was sick at that time. Because of this, he asked ‘Uthman ra diyallahu ‘anhu to remain behind and tend to her and informed him that he will receive the same reward as those engaged in jihad and that he will also receive a share of the booty. She passed away on the very day the Muslims vanquished the disbelievers and returned to Madinah.
Lesson: Look at her greatness that tending to her was considered to be equal to waging jihad against the disbelievers. This eminence of hers was on account of her piety. O women! Always try to strengthen your Deen. Do not allow yourselves to commit any sin as this is a cause of weakness in the Deen.