Halimah Sa’diyyah radiyallahu ‘anha

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Halimah Sa’diyyah radiyallahu ‘anha

This woman breast-fed Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. When he waged a jihad against the city of Ta’if, she came to him together with her husband and son. He treated her with great respect, laid down his shawl and made her sit on it. All of them accepted Islam.

Lesson: Despite her having a special relationship with Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam she knew that this would not give her salvation in any way if she did not bring iman. She therefore accepted Islam. O women! You should not be under the assumption that you are from the progeny of a certain pious man or that a certain son or grandson of yours is an ‘alim or a hafiz and that they will grant you salvation. Remember that if you have Din in yourself, these persons can ask Allah for something on your behalf. But if you do not have any Din, they will be of no help to you.