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Qurbani — May the Blood Flow, Taqwa Grow and…

Allah Ta’ala be Pleased!

Human nature, unless corrupted, does not gain pleasure from displeasure. Thus, we find ourselves dreading the displeasure of people! Displeasure displays itself in various ways. When people are displeased with us or we are displeased with anyone, the displeasure would be conveyed in some way or the other.

We will perhaps be cold towards that person. We may even avoid that person. A person may tell someone even to get lost. However, the strongest revulsion must surely be when we tell someone “don’t even come near to me”.

Our beloved Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam displays such revulsion to those who do not perform Qurbani despite the means to do so. He has banned them from coming even NEAR to THE Eidghah. Hadhrat Abu Hurairah Radiallahu anhu narrates that Rasulullah Sallahu alayhi wasallam said that the person who has the means to perform Qurbani but does not do so should not even come NEAR our Eidgah.

The Best of Days are these Days and the Best of Deeds in these days is the deed of Qurbani.

Sayyidatuna Aa’ishah Radiyallahu anha narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said: “There is nothing dearer to Allah Ta’ala during the days of Qurbani than the sacrificing of animals. The sacrificed animal shall come on the Day of Judgment with its horns, hair, and hooves (to be weighed). The sacrifice is accepted by Allah before the blood reaches the ground. Therefore, sacrifice with an open and happy heart” (Tirmizi, Hadith #: 1493)

The Spirit of Qurbani
O, they looked like a bunch of wild unkempt tramps, these brothers of ours who were seen with blood red eyes. It was just after Eid-ul-Fitr. A mini bus filled with them with a trailer filled with bags and cooler boxes etc. ‘Tired’ and ‘fatigue’ was written all over their faces. It appeared that they returned from some war.

Their story is truly amazing. Year after year, they set out immediately after Eid-ul-Fitr to search the mountains and the farms, the ranches and small holdings for the best of the best animals to please Allah Ta’ala for Qurbani. The search will continue for at least a week. Allah Ta’ala had blessed them with plenty of wealth. They wished to give Allah the best of animals. And so they travel and take notes. And so they travel and debate. And so they travel and leave aside their comforts and families. They ache and they bleed, they despair and they fear failure. The best animal, it has to be. It is not about merely giving some money or writing a cheque…it is something much more. It is about eyes that search and scrutinise the animal. It is analysing the animal from teeth to tail. It is the sheer joy of beholding the beauty of the animal.

By Allah, even the angels marvel at this spirit, this understanding of what Qurbani is, this Love and Devotion unto Allah, Most High, this fierce commitment to find the best of the best! May Allah Ta’ala make us like them where our faces become radiant with joy at the sight of the Qurbani animal. May our hearts beat with Love for that Allah who has given us so much and asked for so little in return.

Sayyidatuna Aa’ishah Radiyallahu anha narrates that Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam said: “There is nothing dearer to Allah Ta’ala during the days of Qurbani than the sacrificing of animals. The sacrificed animal shall come on the Day of Judgment with its horns, hair, and hooves (to be weighed). The sacrifice is accepted by Allah before the blood reaches the ground. Therefore, sacrifice with an open and happy heart”.
And do we know why Allah Azza Wajal trialled and tested His Beloved Friend, Hadhrat Ebrahim Alayhi salaam?

It has been mentioned that after being saved from the raging inferno of Namrud, as a token of Love and appreciation unto Allah Subhanahu wata’ala, Hadhrat Ebrahim Alaihi salaam sacrificed 1000 rams, 300 oxen and 100 camels. When someone praised this enormous sacrifice, Hadhrat Ebrahim Alaihi salaam said:
“These sacrifices are nothing. Allah Ta’ala owns me and whatever I have. If I had a son, I would have sacrificed him as well!”

Allah Ta’ala granted him a son. Thirteen years after he made his statement, Allah Ta’ala reminded him of his words. Hadhrat Ebrahim Alaihi salaam rose to the occasion and was prepared to match his words with deeds. What a level of Sidq! (Truthfulness)

On the other hand, how often do we not make boastful claims without realizing the implications of what we say? Many women, in anger demand Talaaq, others challenge the husband to take another wife, husbands threaten that they will find another better wife, businessman make rash pledges, couples pledge their unborn children in the Path of Allah and to the Holy Qur’aan. Yet when Allah Ta’ala puts one to test, we hopelessly fail.

  • Qurbani reminds us to SACRIFICE our all for Allah Azza Wajal.
  • Qurbani reminds us to treat Allah Rabbul Izzah with Respect.
  • Qurbani reminds us of Maut. Death surrounds us on the Days of Qurbani.
  • Genuine Remembrance of death increases Taqwa.
  • Taqwa is Qurbani: “It is not the flesh nor the blood that reaches Allah but it is the Taqwa of yours which reaches Him.”