All praises are due unto Allah, Most High, who says in the Holy Qur’aan:
“Verily, Allah’s Auliya (Special friends), nor is there any fear upon them nor grief.” (Surah Yunus v.62)
Salutations upon Nabi Muhammed Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam who made Du’aa: “O Allah, make me a means for the defence of your Auliya and a warrior against your enemies.”
Such is the love which Rasullullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam had for the Auliya!
Just imagine the Noble Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam asking and pleading unto Allah Ta’aala to be given an opportunity to defend the illustrious souls of the Auliya. But who are the Auliya, these extraordinary persons, one may ask? The answer lies in the Holy Quraan:
“None other than the Muttaqeen are the Auliya of Allah Ta’aala but many people do not know”. (Surah Anfaal v. 34)South Africans are no strangers to Auliya. We are indeed fortunate to have been blessed with regular visits by these special friends of Allah Ta’aala, especially from the Indo-Pak subcontinent. Amongst the stars of Auliya which graced our land and from whom many thirsty persons quenched their spiritual thirst, Hadhrat Moulana Maseehullah Rahmatullahi Alayh enjoys a huge degree of prominence. This is due to his repeated visits as well as his excellent disposition which attracted people like moths to him.
After his demise in 1992, the world was emptied from the physical presence of this great source of Blessings. There is a saying: “The Mashaaikh pass on but their advice lives on”. Thus it has always been the norm of this Ummah to record the history of the Friends of Allah Azza Wajal. Unlike the biographies of others, the recording of the episodes, occurrences, experiences and practices of the Auliya, is meant to draw one closer unto Allah Ta’aala. Much inspiration and encouragement is found in treading their path which they strode.
Upon the express instructions of certain Khulafa (representatives) of Moulana Maseehullah Rahmatullahi Alayh, both local and foreign, these few humble thoughts and memories have been put to pen. And yes, there then was an explicit instruction:
One day, Hadhrat unexpectedly looked at this writer and suddenly handed his black felt-pen to him. With a voice brimming with affection, he said: “Jo dil me aa-e, oes ko likhaa karo”. (What comes to your heart, write it). He then remained silent.
A few simple words strung together, perhaps. However, those who were acquainted with Hadhrat, will bear testimony that every word, every gesture, in fact, even the very silence of this Faithful Wali of Allah, brimmed with meaning and was filled with implications. Ignoring it completely was akin to disrespect.
Though almost three decades have passed since that fateful day, the words keep on ringing in the ears. The natural fear of incompetence and the possibility of the calamity of an evil gaze upon the writer’s intentions are but the least of concerns; the apprehension that the Nafs may wish to have a free ride for fame in Hadhrat’s stagecoach is much more worrisome. Just as there are many who live under “Guda ka Naam, apna kaam” (Allah’s Name is used in order to camouflage one’s own Nafsaani objectives), so too are there those who shelter under “Peer ka Naam, apna Kaam” (Take the peers name and get your job done).
May Allah Ta’aala save this writer from utilising Hadhrat’s name for any Nafsaani motives. (Ameen).
A rivulet cannot explain the power of an ocean; nor a faltering candle the awesome light of the sun. A cat cannot imitate the roar of a mighty lion, nor can a beggar display the majesty of a king. The mere thought of writing a few words about the life and times of a Wali such as Moulana Maseehullah Rahmatullahi Alayh, is in itself, overwhelming.
This booklet is based upon a personal experience which took place in September 1986 when Allah Ta’aala blessed this writer with the immense Ni’mat of being in his service whilst travelling to Pakistan. Though thirty long years have passed, yet, the memories of those days are as fresh as a daisy. Three decades have not diminished the lessons which could be derived from that epic journey.
Not only will the journey be presented once a week or as time permits Insha-Allah, but also, with Hadhrat’s barkat any other aspect of Hadhrat’s life which comes to mind. Readers are requested to bear with patience the many shortcomings which may occur in this chronicle. Insha-Allah, they will be amply rewarded by Allah Most High.
Duaa’s are humbly requested for its acceptance in the Court of Allah Most High. (Ameen)