Do You Feel At Loss – Seeking A Love That Seems To Not Exist?
Do you feel at loss – seeking a love that seems to not exist?
Maybe you are seeking in the wrong places. I feel you, it’s been hard and you feel like all doors have been shut off for you.
Let me tell you a story that would hopefully change your perspective when seeking true love.
We all want to find true love and often we think that we find it through spousal love – however true love doesn’t only stay there – it’s much more than we could ever imagine especially if it’s the love for Allah that we seek. subhan’Allah.
During the time of our beloved Prophet ﷺ , many stories present love and affection especially when it comes to his interactions and conversations with the sahabah.
This particular story is one of the famous ones. However, it is also one of those stories that whenever we read about it, it just sounds so new that even though we have heard or read about it before the impact it leaves boosts so many emotions in our hearts – especially when our heart is seeking forgiveness and tranquility.
Prepare to feel beatific.
One day, Aisha Radiyallahu Anha, saw the Prophet ﷺ in an ecstatic and cheerful mood.
She came up to him and said: “O Messenger of Allah ﷺ, make du’a for me.”
The Prophet ﷺ then raised his hands and said: “O Allah, forgive Aisha, O Allah forgive all of Aisha’s sins – the previous ones and future ones, the secret ones and the outwards ones.”
Aisha Radiyallahu Anha then narrates that she smiled until she started laughing until her head fell on the Prophet’s ﷺ lap.
The Prophet ﷺ then asked, “O Aisha, are you happy for my du’a?”
Aisha then answered, “O Messenger of Allah ﷺ, how can I not be for that du’a?”
The Prophet ﷺ said: “I swear by Allah, this is the du’a that I make for my entire ummah every single prayer.”
Stop for a moment, and just imagine that beautiful scene between the Prophet ﷺ and his beloved wife, Aisha Radiyallahu Anha.
What a beautiful love between a husband and wife – but it’s much more than that – because indeed, when love is for the sake of Allah – it goes beyond what any man can define – it goes on and never dies even when both of you are no longer in this world.
As for those who have no partners yet, can you believe that the Prophet ﷺ even without meeting you made du’a for you every single prayer of his? What an honor! – and what true love it is.
Indeed, there are so many ways of showcasing love towards others – and praying for them is what I believe is the best way we could ever showcase it.
My dear brother in Islam, my dear sister in Islam – know that you are loved, know that the best of all of Allah’s creations out of His love for you made du’a for you in every single prayer of his even without meeting you.
Smile, cry a bit if you want, but this is the truth and what’s way better is that Allah – who we often disobey, instead of neglecting us – He calls us five times a day to come to Him and repent – and when we do – He forgives as He is the Most Forgiving one and He also Pardons us and such is His Pardoning that we come back as if we have never sinned!
Subhan’Allah what a blessing indeed it is to be from the Ummah of the Prophet ﷺ and to be a chosen Muslim by Allah!
Allahumma inni afuwwun tuhibbul afwa fa’fu anni!
– Umm Umar Khaled