Apart from the above mentioned, it is permissible to give zakaat to all other relatives such as one’s brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, maternal and paternal uncles and aunts, step father or step mother, step grandfather, father-in-law, mother-in-law, etc.
It is not permissible to give zakaat to immature children if their father is rich. If the children are mature and poor, but their father is rich, it will be permissible to give zakaat to them.
If the father of an immature child is not rich but the mother is, it will be permissible to give zakaat to that child. It is not permissible to give zakaat to the progeny of Hadrat Faatimah radiallahu anha, the progeny of Hadrat Ali radiallahu anhu, Hadrat Abbas radiallahu anhu, Hadrat Ja’far radiallahu anhu, Hadrat Aqeel radiallahu anhu, Hadrat Haarith bin Abdul Muttalib radiallahu anhu. Similarly, the charities which have been made wajib by the Shariah cannot be given to the progeny of the above Sahabah. Such charities are, nazr, kaffarah,ushr, sadaqatul fitr. Apart from these, all other charities can be given tothem.
It is permissible to give zakaat to one’s Muslim servants, workers, employees, etc. However, this zakaat should not be included in their wages or salaries. Instead, it should be given separately as a gift. At the time of giving this gift to them, one should have the intention in his heart that he is giving zakaat.