Reading Time: 6 minutes
A crying baby will undoubtedly gain nourishment from the healthy milk of a loving mother. When a baby finally terminates suckling and ceases crying for his mother’s milk, the mother’s milk will inevitably dry up.
Our relationship with Allah, Most High, also operates on the same foundation. Thus, says Allah, Most High: “Those who strive towards us, verily We guide them towards us.” (Surah Bara’ah)
Those shackled with the curse of habitual sinning were pleading for help to be free from a miserable and wretched existence filled with sin. These are the ones who were hopelessly lost and who were wallowing in the dark valley of Nafs-e-Ammarah.
Plenty of comforts they perhaps possessed, but luxuries and ease was not a substitution for the treasures of contentment, Imaan and Yaqeen. The securities, indulgences and pleasures of this temporary life were no guarantees of success in the Hereafter if their affairs with their Creator, Allah Most High, were crooked and skewered. This much their Imaan called out to them and this much their Imaan warned them about. A time comes sometimes to such unmindful people when they throw up their hands and cry out: “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!”
Hadhrat mentioned that these are the ones who were none less worthy of compassion than a physically sick person. They needed to be cured with love and kindness. Never should they be despised and derided. Yes, there will be occasions when an injection or even an operation needed to be performed. However, this would be an exception and not the norm. Another analogy presented was that they were raw and needed to be ripened with wisdom and patience.
Then there were the others who were trapped in the scary valley of Nafs-e-Lawwamah: Half-ripe, half raw. Neither here nor there, they wander around in life, flirting with this ideology and toying with that one. Sometimes they outdo angels with their noble deeds and at other times they shame Shaytaan with their audacity. Self-deception is fatal. Self-induced imagination of piety is even more of a danger since it causes a person to sin away merrily and gaily whilst masking himself with the aura of holiness. They required their Sheikh to assist them by hauling them up by the cuffs of their souls and to lay bare to them the reality of their nafs. They required motivation not only to do good – but to passionately enjoy doing good, and not only to stay away from evil – but to loath evil intensely.
And lastly, there were those who were roaming in the valley of Nafs-e-Mutma’inah. They, after much toil and plenty of striving (Mujaahadah), generally under the supervision of a Shiekh-e-kaamil, had cloaked themselves with The Shariah and shrouded themselves with The Sunnah. Nabi Sallalahu alayhi wasallam said “Die before your death”. As such they crafted their days and their nights and forge a path towards Allah Rabbul Izzat. Says Allah, Most High: “And whosoever wills, let him seek a way to His Lord” (Surah An-Naba’ v.39). Despite being ripe, they forever understand that they are bound to retrogress towards their initial rawness. These are the ones who are always restless in the love of Allah, Most High. Hadhrat Rahmatullahi alayh used to say: “Ban-é huw- é ko bighar né mé koy-i dér nahi lagta, bighr-é huw-é ko ban-né mé koy-i dér nai lagta” (It takes not much time for any pious person to become astray, and it takes not much time for an astray person to become pious.”)
The true, faraway sincere friends were pleading with Hadhrat to visit them in Pakistan and to brighten their dark days with rays of the Ma’rifat and the love of Allah Ta’aala which was bursting his very heart. It was this Love and Ma’rifat of Allah, The Beloved, which was the ultimate cause of Hadhrat’s Shahaadah as will be explained elsewhere, Insha Allah.
Hadhrat was physically weak. He had just recovered from an illness. The journey was a demanding one. His daily routine would be affected. Sleeping and eating patterns would be disrupted. “Ghar se be-ghar” he would say. (A house without being at home!). Being a Musaafir, is not an easy thing, especially at the ripe old age of 78 years. But nothing mattered when it came Deen.
Amongst the duties of this writer was the responsibility to convey the messages of those women who came with their problems etc. to Hadhrat Rahmatullahi alayh. They were almost always clad in unattractive hijaabs.
This writer was perplexed and bewildered as to what he should do. Hadhrat was informed:
Rushing back to her whilst being acutely conscious that Hadhrat was watching, this writer somehow got her to narrate her problem. Her problem was her troublesome husband.
Aaah! Let those beware who make Zulm upon the Amaanat called a wife! Hadhrat once remarked that the husband who causes his wife to sob silently and to cry quietly in the dark for her Rabb to assist her against an oppressive husband, that husbands Jahannam starts in the Dunya. We ignore these words and warning at our own peril. Let those who cheat and beat and mentally destroy their wife’s remember: In this World, your journey towards Jahannam will start.
The Majaalis (discourses) of Hadhrat Rahmatullahi alayh regularly featured the topic of being kind and considerate to the wife. Hadhrat used to say often: “Thikr kar na Aasaan, lekin ye deka jawe ke in baato par bhi amal ho raha he ya nahi” (To make Thikr is easy. However, what’s to be seen if whether or not one practices on these naseehats i.e concerning the good treatment of wife’s)
Being mindful that my Sheikh was waiting, with a thumping heart this writer pleaded to the lady not to cry and that everything crooked and bad in her life would, Insha Allah, come soon right. Allah alone was in charge of her affairs, but Hadhrat would make Du’aa.
From behind the partition, my Sheikh was waiting anxiously about news concerning this poor creature of Allah who came for help. This servant reported back to his restless Sheikh who after making D’aa for her, remarked:
Indeed, many are the incidents which he narrated of how much more love a Sheikh has for his Mureeds than what they could ever have for him. Where they give their sweat, the Sheikh will shed his blood.
This writer, who had once heard how beneficial it was to travel with his Sheikh, excitedly responded:
A crying baby will undoubtedly gain nourishment from the healthy milk of a loving mother. When a baby finally terminates suckling and ceases crying for his mother’s milk, the mother’s milk will inevitably dry up.
Likewise, wells stop flowing and run dry when not used. Life and nature, in short, has one clear principle: Sincere seekers draw the best out of others and are always blessed. The lazy and the timid, the shallow and the lethargic, are mostly deprived.
Our relationship with Allah, Most High, also operates on the same foundation. Thus, says Allah, Most High: “Those who strive towards us, verily We guide them towards us.” (Surah Bara’ah)
Allah, Most High has taken the responsibility to guide those who strive towards Him. Their efforts are observed, valued and appreciated. On the Day of Qiyamah when they will be rewarded, it would be told to them: “Verily, this is your reward, and your striving was appreciated.” (Surah Dahr v.22)
Both the above Aayaat were often recited by our Hadhrat. In fact, the crux of the first Aayat is mentioned by Hadhrat in his parting Wasiyat: “Jeysie himmat weaysi madad” (How much courage is displayed, so much will Allah Help one.)
The cries of Hadhrat’s Pakistani thirsty associates emanating from parched hearts, were loud and clear: They entreated and implored him to come to Pakistan. Each one differed and had his own spiritual needs. Each one needed a different cure for his troubles. Each one required a solution for his own worries and each one desired a soothing balm for his deepest fears.
Those shackled with the curse of habitual sinning were pleading for help to be free from a miserable and wretched existence filled with sin. These are the ones who were hopelessly lost and who were wallowing in the dark valley of Nafs-e-Ammarah.
Plenty of comforts they perhaps possessed, but luxuries and ease was not a substitution for the treasures of contentment, Imaan and Yaqeen. The securities, indulgences and pleasures of this temporary life were no guarantees of success in the Hereafter if their affairs with their Creator, Allah Most High, were crooked and skewered. This much their Imaan called out to them and this much their Imaan warned them about. A time comes sometimes to such unmindful people when they throw up their hands and cry out: “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!”
Hadhrat mentioned that these are the ones who were none less worthy of compassion than a physically sick person. They needed to be cured with love and kindness. Never should they be despised and derided. Yes, there will be occasions when an injection or even an operation needed to be performed. However, this would be an exception and not the norm. Another analogy presented was that they were raw and needed to be ripened with wisdom and patience.
Then there were the others who were trapped in the scary valley of Nafs-e-Lawwamah: Half-ripe, half raw. Neither here nor there, they wander around in life, flirting with this ideology and toying with that one. Sometimes they outdo angels with their noble deeds and at other times they shame Shaytaan with their audacity. Self-deception is fatal. Self-induced imagination of piety is even more of a danger since it causes a person to sin away merrily and gaily whilst masking himself with the aura of holiness. They required their Sheikh to assist them by hauling them up by the cuffs of their souls and to lay bare to them the reality of their nafs. They required motivation not only to do good – but to passionately enjoy doing good, and not only to stay away from evil – but to loath evil intensely.
And lastly, there were those who were roaming in the valley of Nafs-e-Mutma’inah. They, after much toil and plenty of striving (Mujaahadah), generally under the supervision of a Shiekh-e-kaamil, had cloaked themselves with The Shariah and shrouded themselves with The Sunnah. Nabi Sallalahu alayhi wasallam said “Die before your death”. As such they crafted their days and their nights and forge a path towards Allah Rabbul Izzat. Says Allah, Most High: “And whosoever wills, let him seek a way to His Lord” (Surah An-Naba’ v.39). Despite being ripe, they forever understand that they are bound to retrogress towards their initial rawness. These are the ones who are always restless in the love of Allah, Most High. Hadhrat Rahmatullahi alayh used to say: “Ban-é huw- é ko bighar né mé koy-i dér nahi lagta, bighr-é huw-é ko ban-né mé koy-i dér nai lagta” (It takes not much time for any pious person to become astray, and it takes not much time for an astray person to become pious.”)
Absenting themselves from Allah’s Thikr (remembrance) is akin to being starved of oxygen to such souls. The wealth of the World means nothing to them. They view the soliciting of name and fame as one would view filth and rubbish. Only one thing comforts and consoles them: The Divine Remembrance and the search for Allah’s Pleasure.
The true, faraway sincere friends were pleading with Hadhrat to visit them in Pakistan and to brighten their dark days with rays of the Ma’rifat and the love of Allah Ta’aala which was bursting his very heart. It was this Love and Ma’rifat of Allah, The Beloved, which was the ultimate cause of Hadhrat’s Shahaadah as will be explained elsewhere, Insha Allah.
Hadhrat was physically weak. He had just recovered from an illness. The journey was a demanding one. His daily routine would be affected. Sleeping and eating patterns would be disrupted. “Ghar se be-ghar” he would say. (A house without being at home!). Being a Musaafir, is not an easy thing, especially at the ripe old age of 78 years. But nothing mattered when it came Deen.
Hadhrat loved his sincere mureeds, students – in fact the whole Ummah to bits. He would be restless if anyone experienced difficulties. He wanted each and every one to be happy. Often he would advice: “Ghoosh raho, goep kha-o or goep pi-yo. Or dekho ghussa pass na aw-e” (Be happy. Eat well and drink well. And listen, do not get angry.) Wallah, Hadhrat would feel the pain of those in distress. His Mubarak face would display the pain in the heart of those who were afflicted with difficulties and calamities. And upon hearing good news, his face would be radiant with delight.
Amongst the duties of this writer was the responsibility to convey the messages of those women who came with their problems etc. to Hadhrat Rahmatullahi alayh. They were almost always clad in unattractive hijaabs.
Once, a lady came, set down in the veranda and wailed away her problem to this writer. She was sobbing profusely and uncontrollably.
This writer was perplexed and bewildered as to what he should do. Hadhrat was informed:
“Hadhrat, there is a lady who is crying…” Before the sentence could be concluded, came a stern admonishment with a sweet smile:
‘By Maseehullah’s door…you left someone crying…how is this ever possible. Go and console her and quieten her’
“Hadhrat, Insha Allah, I will do so”
Rushing back to her whilst being acutely conscious that Hadhrat was watching, this writer somehow got her to narrate her problem. Her problem was her troublesome husband.
Aaah! Let those beware who make Zulm upon the Amaanat called a wife! Hadhrat once remarked that the husband who causes his wife to sob silently and to cry quietly in the dark for her Rabb to assist her against an oppressive husband, that husbands Jahannam starts in the Dunya. We ignore these words and warning at our own peril. Let those who cheat and beat and mentally destroy their wife’s remember: In this World, your journey towards Jahannam will start.
The Majaalis (discourses) of Hadhrat Rahmatullahi alayh regularly featured the topic of being kind and considerate to the wife. Hadhrat used to say often: “Thikr kar na Aasaan, lekin ye deka jawe ke in baato par bhi amal ho raha he ya nahi” (To make Thikr is easy. However, what’s to be seen if whether or not one practices on these naseehats i.e concerning the good treatment of wife’s)
Being mindful that my Sheikh was waiting, with a thumping heart this writer pleaded to the lady not to cry and that everything crooked and bad in her life would, Insha Allah, come soon right. Allah alone was in charge of her affairs, but Hadhrat would make Du’aa.
From behind the partition, my Sheikh was waiting anxiously about news concerning this poor creature of Allah who came for help. This servant reported back to his restless Sheikh who after making D’aa for her, remarked:
“No one comes to the doors of this Faqeer crying except that they leave laughing’’.
Subhanallah! What an Aalim! What a friend of Allah, Most High! To turn tears into laughter and pain into ease and fear into hope in a matter of a few minutes is not everyone’s cup of tea. This is the power of a few words of the true friends of Allah Ta’aala.
Indeed, many are the incidents which he narrated of how much more love a Sheikh has for his Mureeds than what they could ever have for him. Where they give their sweat, the Sheikh will shed his blood.
The cries and pleas of his Hadhrat’s students and his mureeds moved him. The objective was clear. Thus, Hadhrat said:
“Many heart felt letters have come from Pakistan, inviting me to attend the Siyaanatul-Muslimeen Jalsa. This organization promotes the teachings of my Sheikh, Moulana Thanvi Rahmatullahi Alayh. It is dedicated to the Islaah of people.”
This writer, who had once heard how beneficial it was to travel with his Sheikh, excitedly responded:
‘Hadhrat, Insha-Allah, all travelling arrangements will be made immediately. I will leave for Delhi.’
“After breakfast, Insha Allah further mashwara will be made.” (to be continued Insha Allah)