Rajab – A Month To Plant Seeds Of A’maal

Reading Time: 5 minutes


Rajab – A Month To Plant Seeds Of A’maal
Sha’baan – A Month To Water The Seeds
Ramadhaan – A Month To ‘Eat’ Of The Fruits

When the Hilaal of Rajab would be sighted, Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) used to recite a Du’a, the translation of which is as follows:
“O Allah! Grant us Barakah (blessings) in Rajab and Sha’baan, and let us reach (the month of) Ramadhaan.”
From this Hadith, one is able to understand the importance of these months mentioned in the Du’a of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam). Thus, one should endeavour to increase A’maal in these months.
The above Du’a of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) also teaches us to prepare ourselves in Rajab and Sha’baan in order to see and taste the beautiful ‘fruits’ of Ramadhaan. One cannot wish to eat of the fruits of a certain tree without even planting the seeds of that tree, forget watering and caring for the tree.
In like manner, in Rajab, we should gather our ‘seeds’. The ‘seeds’ here refer to the ‘seeds’ of A’maal. There are various forms and ways of A’maal. Some A’maal are incumbent (Fardh) upon every Muslim. Neglecting such A’maal is a major sin which will have grave consequences in the Aakhirah. We have to reform, repent and make Qadha of whatever Fardh and Waajib A’maal we may have missed.
We should endeavour to ensure that all our Fardh A’maal are up-to-date. We cannot hope that this year’s Ramadhaan will be better than the past, when our daily Fardh A’maal are not even performed. Thus, Rajab is the ideal time to prepare ourselves for the coming Sacred Months.
Keeping the above in mind, we will, Insha Allah, touch on few basic points which we should try to do in order to plant our ‘seeds’ of A’maal in the correct proper fertile soil to water them in Sha’baan, and Insha Allah, eat its sweet, delicious and wonderful fruits in Ramadhaan and for the rest of the year and life.


Five daily Salaahs are among the Fardh A’maal upon every Baaligh Muslim male and female. If we are not even performing our five Salaahs now, then
our very basics of Deen which is a Pillar among the Five Pillars of Deen is incomplete which results in our structure of Islaam that is based on the Five Pillars, to be flimsy and wobbly! Thus, let us start performing ALL our daily Salaahs from today. Performance of the five Salaahs in Rajab will be like ‘planting the seeds of Salaah’, then in Sha’baan we will have to ensure that our Salaah is ‘watered daily’ by ensuring that we do not miss any. Insha Allah, we will find Ramadhaan to find us in a state of punctuality with Salaah.
With regards to men, they have to make an effort to be punctual with Salaah in the Masjid. The Masaajid are built for the men of this Ummah to perform their Salaah in. However, sadly, many men and Baaligh boys DON’T perform their Salaah in the Masjid! This is utter shame and a disgrace for the Ummah! By attending the Masjid in Rajab, men will be ‘planting the seeds of Jamaat in the Masjid’. Then, in Sha’baan, men will have to make sure their Salaah is ‘watered’ by ensuring they are in the Masjid for ALL their Salaahs. Insha Allah, Ramadhaan will find men to be frequenting the Masjid for ALL their Salaahs.
Men and Baaligh boys who do read their Salaah in Jamaat in the Masjid should scrupulously observe this. They should ensure that they are early in the Masjid and joining the Imaam with Takbeer-e-Ula are ways to improve their attendance in the Masjid.
However, sadly, even boys who are doing part-time or full-time Hifz, or some who are even studying higher Deeni knowledge, regularly and habitually miss Rak’aats and become permanent Masbooqeen (latecomers who miss Rak’aats) of their Masjid! This is an utter disgrace and disrespect for their Hifz and Ilm which they are studying! Many of these youngsters will become Imaams in Taraweeh in Ramadhaan. Taraweeh Imaamat is not only to know one’s Qur’an Dhor Pakka, but to make one’s attendance in the Masjid, Takbeer-e-Ula and first Saff also Pakka! This will increase the value, Barkat and Ikhlaas of the Taraweeh!


Mixing and meeting with people merely to pass time should be cut-out in these months. In mixing for the sake of staving off so-called boredom or for passing time, the topics of discussions alternates drastically. In the process, one may succumb to Gheebat, slandering, carrying tales, insulting and speaking lies. These are terrible and major sins. Do we need to accumulate such major sins in such a Sacred Month? By reducing our unnecessary meeting and mixing with people, we will have more time to engage in Zikrullah. If not Zikrullah, then at least we will remain safe from those major sins which we may become easily prey to when mixing.
If one has to be with people, then be in the company of pious and good people. Frequent the gatherings and talks of the pious people of Allah, as well as the Ulama-e-Haq. In their company, one will definitely learn something which will benefit one in one’s Deen, Dunya, Qabr and Aakhirat. If it is difficult to be present by them physically, then today it is easy to benefit from their talks via audio recordings, etc.
Avoid totally the talks, lectures, company and association of evil people, open sinners as well as listening to the Ulama-e-Soo’ (evil scholars) who mislead the Ummah with their evils. Ulama who appear on TV, chit-chat and talk sweetly to strange women with alluring voices on the airwaves of so-called ‘Islam’ radios, etc. can never be Ulama. One should not waste one’s time and earn sins in these Sacred Months to listen to the talks of such deviates.


This is a ‘sickness’ which many of us are suffering from. Weekends, especially Saturday nights are prime times to go-out. Weekends are always scheduled for dining out, watching Haraam sports (whether on Haraam TV or Haraam video streaming, or any other way), meeting-up with friends and going out for a stroll in some Botanical Garden or a picnic in some park. In the process, tons and tons of the Laws of Allah Ta’ala are bulldozed without even realising it!
Let us understand that we are in the month of Rajab. If we continue passing our weekends in such frivolous, futile and sinful ways as is our practice during the other months, then understand that Sha’baan will also find us in a similar situation. How will we then manage to prepare ourselves for Ramadhaan if our weekends are still being passed in the same way as any other month?
Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) made Du’a for Barakah in the month of Rajab and Sha’baan. Why? Because with Barakah, one will manage to gain much in little time. On the other hand, partying, eating-out, attending Haraam functions like birthdays, weddings, etc. will result in multitudes of sins. When sin is committed, Barakah is depleted! Then how will one manage to ‘plant the seeds’ of A’maal in Rajab to ‘water’ them in Sha’baan and ultimately taste the sweet fruits in Ramadhaan and the rest of the year?

In Rajab, increase in the recitation of the Du’a mentioned at the beginning of this article excessively. Increase Istighfaar and Durood Shareef. Become punctual with ALL five Salaahs – women at home on time and men in the Masjid with Takbeer-e-Ula and in the first Saff. Start making Tilaawat daily. Sleep early after Esha in order to wake up for Tahajjud. If not Tahajjud, then at least to find our brothers in the Masjid for Fajr Salaah! Ensure our food is 100% Halaal. Abstain from ALL commercial meats. Women who prepare savouries for Ramadhaan should see if the mince is of genuinely 100% Halaal meat. Commercial meat, even with a ‘Halaal’ logo, should NOT be trusted as previous researches proved otherwise. Frequently, some Halaal certifiers had their logos affixed to pork sausages and other pork products. When asked, they said it was labelling error. We ask, if their logos cannot be trusted due to frequent labelling errors, how can we trust the meat they certify???

May Allah Ta’ala accept our broken A’maal, Aameen.

Custodians of the Haq