Anecdotes and Quotes of Maulana Thanvi (Rahmatullah ‘alaih) – Part 1
A man came and requested that dua be made for him. Hadhrat Thanvi (Rahmatullah ‘alaih) said:
Brother! You too make dua and I also shall make dua.
The man said: My tongue is not fit for dua.
(In other words, he did not consider himself worthy of making dua.)
Hadhrat Thanvi replied: Do you recite the Kalima? The man said: Yes.
Hadhrat Thanvi (Rahmatullah ‘alaih):
Kalimah has greater blessing than dua. How come your tongue is worthy of reciting the Kalimah? In fact, shaitan made dua at the very time when he as being cursed by Allah Ta’ala.
He supplicated: Grant me respite until the day when people will be resurrected.
Allah Ta’ala answered his dua: You are among those who have been granted respite.
When even Shaitan was not deprived of acceptance of dua, how can we be deprived? Shaitan has deceived us into believing that our tongues are not worthy of making dua. People consider this attitude to be humility.