Qaadhi Mujeeruddin Hambali, states in Taareekhul Quds wal Jaleel that Atiyyah Ibn Qais narrated that Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) had said that there will be a person from his Ummah who will most certainly walk into Jannat whilst alive in this earthly life.
During the Khilaafate of Hadhrat Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) a group of people journeyed to Baitul Maqdis (in Jerusalem). This group consisted of Hadhrat Shareek Ibn Hibbaan and his mureeds. Inside Musjidul Aqsa on the left side there is (or was) a well. Hadhrat Shareek went to draw some water from the well. When he lowered the bucket, the rope snapped. He went down the steps into the well to retrieve the bucket.
He was astonished to find a doorway at the bottom of the well. The doorway entered into a wonderful paradise whose beauty is indescribable. He strolled around in this beautiful paradise for some time. When he decided to leave, he broke one of the beautiful leaves, taking it with him. After emerging from the well, he narrated the wonderful episode to his companions. Some of his mureeds went down into the well but failed to discover the doorway.
When this episode was narrated to Hadhrat Umar (radhiyallahu anhu), he said that it was the confirmation of the Hadith of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) — mentioned above. The leaf had always remained wonderfully lush and fresh. It never dried. It is not known what happened to the leaf.