Stay Away and don’t buy Mufti Menk’s “New Qur’an”

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Reading Mufti Menks book “The Quraan as revealed”

Q: Please advise if it is permissible to read the book endorsed by Mufti Menk called “The Quraan as revealed”.

A: We have seen a few snippets of the book. From what we have thus far seen we have gathered the following problematic issues:

1. Translation without the original Arabic text of the Quraan Shareef.
2. The sequence of the surahs.
3. Inserting of pictures.

It is unanimously agreed by the fuqaha that the translation of the Quraan Shareef cannot be printed without the original Arabic text of the Quraan Shareef. The Ulama have clearly stated that this is prohibited and impermissible. This was how the previous scriptures were distorted and altered. The scholars translated these divine books and confined it to the translation only, leaving it without the original text. As a result, many changes and alterations were made with the passage of time and these divine books were utterly distorted. Although this may not be the case presently, but just as other situations that lead to haraam are declared as forbidden, so too would this also be declared as impermissible. (Refer to Jawaahir-ul-Fiqh, vol. 2, p. 102)

Secondly, the sequence of the surahs of the Quraan is divine and advocated by wahi. It was not that the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu anhum) or the Ulama put it in an order of their own. The Fuqaha have thus ruled that maintaining the sequence of the surahs as directed by Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) is compulsory.

Thirdly, the Quraan Shareef deserves the greatest form of respect and reverence in every possible way, whether in the manner in which it is written, printed, presented, carried and handled or how it is placed. It cannot be treated as an ordinary textbook or novel. It is the kalaam and word of Allah Ta`ala, irrespective of whether it is the original Arabic or its translation. Placing pictures alongside the verses does not enhance it in any way, rather it reduces it to a storybook and textbook. Therefore, it will not be permissible to read, purchase or sell such a book.

And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

Answered by:

Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee Saheb Db