Maymunah Sauda’
Reading Time: < 1 minute
A sufi by the name of ‘Abdul Wahid bin Zaydan says: “I made the following du‘a: ‘O Allah! Show me the person who is going to be my companion in jannah.’ I was given a reply that my companion will be Maymunah Sauda’. I asked: ‘Where is she?’ I was given a reply that she is in Kufah and belongs to a certain tribe. So I went there and inquired about her. The people replied that she is mad and that she tends to the sheep. I went into the jungle and saw her offering salat while the sheep and wolves were on one side. When she completed her salat, she turned to me and said: ‘O ‘Abdul Wahid! Go! The time to meet is in jannah (and not now).’ I was very surprised that she knew my name? She replied: ‘Don’t you know that when the souls have already met over there (referring to the ‘alam-e-arwah), they become attached to each other and recognize each other?’ I asked her: ‘I see all the sheep and wolves together in one place. How did this happen?’ She replied: ‘Go and mind your own business. I have put my relationship with Allah in order, and He made the relationship between the sheep and wolves in order (both of them are living in harmony without the wolves attacking the sheep).'”
Maymunah Sauda’