A Female Murid of Suri Saqti
Reading Time: 2 minutes
One of the murids of this shaykh says: “My shaykh had a female murid. She had a son who was studying in a madrasah. His teacher sent him somewhere on an errand. He fell into some water and drowned. When the teacher heard about this, he went to Hadrat Suri and informed him. Hadrat Suri got up and went to this female murid’s house. He then began speaking to her about patience, so she said: ‘Why are you speaking on this subject to me?’ He replied: ‘Your son drowned and passed away.’ She was very surprised and said: ‘Are you sure it’s my son?’ He replied: ‘Yes, your son.’ She replied: ‘It’s impossible. My son did not drown.’ Saying this, she went to the place where they claimed that he drowned. Upon reaching there, she called out: ‘O Zar!’ Her son replied: ‘Yes mother’ and came out of the water alive. Hadrat Suri went to Hadrat Junayd and asked him to explain this incident to him. He replied: ‘This woman has a special status and rank in that whatever calamity is to befall her, she comes to know of it before hand. She did not know of this drowning and therefore said that it did not happen.'”
A Female Murid of Suri Saqti