When Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi commenced his spiritual relation with Hazrat Haji Imdaadullah (Quddisa Sirruhul Azeez) then Hazrat Haji Saheb remained at all times with his hands in du’aa for him. No letter of his would come without du’aa being conferred upon Hazrat Thanwi. This is clear from the du’aas reproduced hereunder. They have been taken from various writings of Hazrat Haji Imdaadullah (Quddisa Sirruhul Azeez).
1. May Allah Ta’ala promote your external and spiritual life. 2. May He grant barkat in your life and wealth. 3. May He grant you a good ending. 4. May Allah Ta’ala make you among His protected servants. 5. May Allah Ta’ala turn you away from everything besides Him. 6. May Khudawand-e-Ta’ala keep you in His pleasure and protection and grant prosperity to you in both worlds. 7. May Allah Ta’ala give you to drink from the Cup of Ishq [Divine Passionate Love] and keep you thoroughly quenched. 8. May Allah Ta’ala perpetually keep you satiated and intoxicated in His remembrance with enthusiasm, eagerness and ecstasy. 9. May Allah Ta’ala make you a diver of His Ocean of Love and may He fulfil your aim. 10. May Haq Subhaanahu confer His grace to creation through you. 11. May He grant you prosperity through the blessings of the Buzrugaan and through your aim. 12. May Khudawand-e-Ta’ala through the medium of His beloved, Ahmad Mujtaba Muhammad Mustafa (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), fulfil all your desires and fill the lap of your wishes with the gems of your objectives. 13. I make du’aa of success in your steadfastness and trust in Allah. 14. May Allah Ta’ala daily increase your practical and spiritual grace. 15. May Allah Ta’ala grant you more knowledge and grace through which the creation of Allah Ta’ala derives complete benefit, and your writings are beneficial and accepted. 16. I always think of you. May lofty stages be conferred to you. 17. May your spiritual effulgence remain for always.