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200 Statements of Hadhrat Maseehul Ummat Moulana Maseehullah Khan Sahib (RA)

81) The stage of Radhaa means to remain pleased with the decision of Allah Ta’ala from the bottom of the heart.
82) The stage of Tafweez means to eliminate your ambitions and be sure of Divine Wisdom in the actions of Allah.
83) Opposing the nafs and abundant zikr is the method of annihilation (of the nafs).
84) Proficiency in the Akhlaaq-e-hameeda (beautiful attributes) is called baqaa (steadfastness).
85) A true mureed is one who has a fervent desire to spread the silsilah (order) of his Shaikh.
86) Greed is eradicated by suppressing the demands of the nafs.
87) Anger is a good quality when used against the enemy.
88) Being forced to resort to lies for the purpose of unity among Muslims is praiseworthy.
89) Divine love is the cure for vanity and pride.
90) To adopt arrogance against arrogant people is actually humility.
Compiled by: Hadhrat Moulana Muhammad Farooq Sahib Rahimahullahu