24 Etiquettes of Speech (9-16)
9.) Hadrat Alî Radiallahu Anhu said that one should speak to people what they are able to understand. Do not discuss with them things which are beyond their intellectual capacities. Hadrat Ali Radiallahu Anhu added, “Do you wish them to refute Allâh and His messenger?”
Some people will not hesitate to reject such deeni narrations which they are unable to comprehend. Hadrat Ibn Masûd Radiallahu Anhu said, “When you mention to people such things which are beyond their intellectual capacities, then such talks will most certainly become a cause for the corruption of some people.”
10.) Do not adopt the speech styles and slang of those who are ignorant of the din.
11.) Be moderate in speech. Do not expand the discussion so much that people become tired and perplexed nor abbreviate the talk to such an extent that the aim and object of the discussion are not understood.
12.) A female should exercise care when speaking. She should not allow herself to be heard by men unnecessarily. In a like manner, a man should not express himself sentimentally in the presence of females. It is obligatory that a man abstains from reciting poetry and expressing himself melodiously in front of females (i.e. such females for whom the Shari law of hijab applies.).
13.) Do not mumble when speaking. Speak clearly. Be to the point.
14.) Think before speaking. Sometimes a wrong statement uttered without thinking leads one to Jahannum. By inculcating the habit of thinking before speaking, one will obtain salvation from this calamity.
15.) Do not insult or curse anyone or anything e.g. do not say, enemy of Allâh, fâsiq etc.
16.) Do not be two-tongued, expressing views in the presence of a person intending to please him, but when in the company of another holding another view, speaking to please him.