The Rizq (sustenance / nourishment / earning) of every creature is the responsibility of Allah Azza Wa Jal. He states in the Qur’aan Majeed: “There is no creature on earth but its Rizq is the responsibility of Allah.” The Mashaaikh phrase the mutual relationship between man and Allah beautifully. They said: “Our responsibility is to worship Allah as He has commanded, and His responsibility is to provide for us our Rizq as He has promised.”
There is now no need for any Muslim to look beyond the confines of the Shariah or to act in conflict with the spirit of the Deen by seeking wealth in unlawful ways, nor is it proper for the Mu’min to pursue his Rizq in even such lawful ways which is in violation of the spirit of the moral precepts of Islam. Engrossment in the search for Rizq, which countenances neglect of the duties of the Deen is not permissible despite the lawful avenues of the quest for abundance of wealth. Thus, it is inappropriate for a young man to worry about his Rizq when he will reach the age of 65 years. It is inappropriate to plunge into the pursuit of the dunya with the eyes focussed on security and stability for decades ahead, and for establishing financial empires to ‘ensure’ the material well-being of one’s grand and great grandchildren.
All such hopes related to the distant future come within the scope of the evil known as Toolul Amal (i.e. hopes for the distant and hazy future). No one has any guarantee that he/she will live to attain the distant future. Instead of diverting the mind and heart from reality – the reality of the inevitable event of Maut – the Mu’min is required to be concerned with his imminent Death which calls him five times a day according to Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Regarding Toolul Amal, Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “The first step in the corruption of the Ummah is amal (vain hopes for the future) and bukhl (niggard-liness / stinginess).” Such hopes related to the distant future create obliviousness of the Aakhirah. While Maut stalks us daily, we engross ourselves in worldly pursuits as if life is never-ending here on earth.
The Being Who nourished the foetus and the infant within the womb of its mother; the Being Who feeds the ants and the birds, and entire creation, will sustain us throughout life and when we reach 65 and 85 and 105. Pension funds, and insurance policies are not required for our sustainment here on earth. Only the amount of pre-ordained Rizq will reach us regardless of our efforts or indolence. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Rizq is sealed and the greedy one is deprived.”
Maut arrives when man has exhausted his quota of Rizq. After he has consumed his last morsel of food which Allah Ta’ala has ordained for him, his Maut arrives and captures his soul. According to the Hadith, Rizq is inseparable from a person. It remains attached to him like his shadow. There is therefore no need for the formulation of plans for distant projects spanning future decades. The Mu’min is required to have Tawakkul (trust) firmer than a rock in Allah’s Providence, not in insurance, endowment policies and pension funds which are in conflict with the Shariah.
The Shariah grants latitude to Muslims of weak Imaan. But that latitude operates within the confines of the Shariah. Men of tawakkul do not avail themselves of the wide latitude granted by the Shariah for weak Muslims whose gaze is not securely riveted on the Aakhirah. Tawakkul demands implicit conviction in the Promises and Providence of Allah Azza Wa Jal. Instructing the people of healthy Imaan in the lesson of Tawakkul, Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “If you have Tawakkul on Allah in the proper manner, Allah will feed you as He feeds the birds. They emerge hungry in the morning from their nests, and return in the evening satiated.”
Describing His Razzaaqiyat (Providence), Allah Ta’ala says in the Qur’aan Majeed: “Numerous are the animals which do not carry their rizq (on their backs). It is Allah Who feeds them and you (O People!).” In this aayat is a lesson in Tawakkul. The Tawakkul of animals and birds in the Providence of Allah Azza Wa Jal is greater than the trust of the vast majority of human beings.