Shouq-e-Watan – Dua’aa for the Desire of the Aa-khirah – Part 16
Dua’aa for the Desire of the Aa-khirah
Chapter No: 16
- Faatiras samaa-waati wal-ardi, anta wa-liy-yii fid-dunyaa wal aa-khirah. Ta-waf-fanii muslimaw wa-alhiqnii bis-saa-lihiin.
Creator of the heavens and earth! Thou art my Protecting Friend in the world and the hereafter. Make me to die submissive (unto Thee), and join me to the righteous. -Surah Yusuf, 101.
- Allaahumma innii as-a-luka na‘eemal laa yan-fadu, wa qurrata ‘ay-nil laa tan-qati‘u, war-ridaa bil- qa-daa-i wa-bardal ‘ay-shi ba’dal mauti wa-ladh-dhatan naza-ri ilaa waj-hika wash-showga ilaa liqaa-ika min ¿hayri darraa-a mudir-ratin wa-fitnatim mudil latin.
O Allah I ask You such blessings and comfort that does not end, and such coolness of the eyes that does not cease, and contentment upon what You have decreed, and a happy and cool life after death; and the bliss and pleasure of seeing Your Countenance; and the craving desire to meet You without harmful detriment and trials that lead astray.
- Allaahumma laqqinii hujjatal imaani ‘indal mamaati.
O Allah teach me the proof of imaan at the time of death
- Allaahummagh fir-lii dhambii wakh-sa shaytaanii wa-fukka rihaanii wa-thaqqil mizaanii waj‘alni fin-nadiyyil aa’laa.
O Allah forgive my sins, and keep my shaytaan away from me, and open my bond, and make my scale weighty, and make me from among the high ranks
- Allaahumma innii as-flu-kal fauza fil qadaa-i wa-nuzu-lash shu-hadaa-i wa‘ay-shas su-a-daa-i wa-muraa-fa-qa-tal ambiyaa-i wan-nas-ri ‘alai aa’daa-i in-naka sami‘ud du‘aa-i.
O Allah I ask You triumph in my fate, and the hospitality of a martyr, and the living of the pious, and the companionship of the ambiyaa (prophets), and victory over enemies. Verily You hear supplications.
- Allaahumma laa ‘ay-sha illa ‘ay-shal aa-khirati.
O Allah, there is no life but the life of the hereafter.
- Allaahummaj‘al hubbaka a-habbal ash-yaa-i ilay-ya, waj‘al khash-ya-taka akh-wa-fal ash-yaa-i ‘indi, waq-ta’ ‘an-nii haa-jaa-tid dunyaa bish-showqi ilaa liqaa-ika, wa-idhaa aq-rar-ta aa’yu-na ah-lid dun-yaa min dun-yaa-hum faq-rir ‘ay-ni min ‘ibaa-datika.
O Allah, make my love for You the most beloved thing to me, and my fear for You the most fearful thing to me, and remove from me all worldly needs and wants by instilling a passion for meeting You, and when You have given the people of the world the pleasures of their world, make the coolness of my eyes (pleasure) in worshipping You.
- Allaahumma a‘innii ‘alaa gha-ma-raa-til mauti, wa-saka-raa-til mauti.
O Allah help me during the difficult and unconscious moments at the time of death.
- Allaahummagh-fir lii war-ham-nii wa-al-hiqnii bir-rafi-qil aa’laa.
O Allah forgive me and have mercy on me, and unite me with the Most Lofty Companion
- Has-biyal-laahu ‘in-dal mauti, has-biyal-laahu ‘in-dal mas-a-lati hl qabri, has-biyal-laahu ‘indal mizaani, has-biyal-laahu ‘indas-siraati, has-biyal-laahu laa ilaa-ha illaa huwa ‘a-lay-hi tawak-kaltu wa-huwa rab-bul ‘ar-shil ‘a-zimi.
Allah is sufficient for me at the time of death, Allah is sufficient for me at the time of questioning in the grave, Allah is sufficient for me at the scale (when deeds are weighed on the day of qiyaamah), Allah is sufficient for me on the siraat (bridge over jahannam), Allah is sufficient for me, there is none worthy of worship but He, on Him I have relied and He is Lord of the Great ‘Arsh (Throne).