Q: If during Salaat my clothes happen to touch an impure part of the ground, what will be the condition of my Salaat?
A: If the place of impurity is dry, it will not break the salaat. If it is wet the Salaat will break. (Baheshti Zewar Page 145)
Q: I bit an apple and found my blood on the apple. Is
my wudhu broken?
A: If no blood is in your saliva, your wudhu did not
break. (Baheshti Zewar: Page 61)
Q: I was ill and could not use water for wudhu. How-ever I have recovered now and the doctor told me that the water will not cause any harm. What should I do?
A Since the doctor gives you the assurance that water will not harm you now, you are required to make wudhu. (Bahesti zewar English page 92)
Question: What is the minimum period of haidh (menstruation)?
A.: The minimum period is 3 days and 3 nights.
Q. When urine falls on my skin and I wipe my skin and ensure it is dry, if I subsequently perspire do my clothes as well as all the places I sit on (bed, chair, etc.) become napaak and do I have to clean these surfaces by wiping them thrice?
A. Yes, once the affected and dried area perspires, the impurity resurfaces and soils all the items it comes into contact with. All those surfaces will have to be necessarily washed thrice