How handsome (Nabi Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was!
Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (Radialahu ta’ala anhu) said: “I have never seen anything more magnificent than Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam).It was as if the sun would shine from his face. And when he would smile a light would shine onto the wall.”
Hadhrat Ayesha (Radialaahu anha) says, “One day I was sewing, it was dusk, twilight. There wasn’t much light. My needle fell down. I couldn’t find it. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) entered the hujrah (room). He smiled at me, when he smiled a light shone out from between his teeth as a result of which I saw my needle. I related to him what had happened. He said, ‘Yaa Humairah (it was an affectionate term he would use to address Ayesha) what greater loss can there be than the loss of that person who is deprived of being able to look at my noble countenance on the day of Judgement.”
Hadhrat Ali (Radiallahu anhu ) says, “Any one who saw Rasulullah (Salallahu alayhi was allam) all of a sudden would be over awed, when he would intermingle with him automatically he would love him. And the one who described him would say, before this and after this I have never seen anything more magnificent than Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam).”