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As All Muslims  know, that it is PROHIBITED in Islam  to consume  any part/ingredient from the pork(pig/swine/bacon): meat,fat/lard ,bones/gelatin,organs,skin, porcine substances ,DNA etc…

In the Name of ALLAH,the most Compassionate the most Merciful

Dead meat,blood,the flesh of swine……..”
(AL QUR’AN: Surah 5-verse 3)

There are 5 verses in the Qur’an ,4  of it mentioned this PROHIBITION of PORK .
Pork is prohibited in Judaism too and very much opposed in the Bible/Christianity as unclean animal.
There are today about 70 diseases which are  caused by pork,latest is the link to  Swine Flu.
Pork has got a lot of fat which can cause Atherosclerosis , damage the heart ,cause heart attacks  and kill many people….
Gelatin(from the bones of pork) is widely used in a lot of foods,biscuits,ice cream and drinks in the supermarkets today.
A lot of Muslims are buying it and consuming it,without checking the ingredients , or knowing about it  and avoiding it?
PORK is  the most filthy dirty smelly animal and is considered UNCLEAN/NAJIS.
WORSE  : PORK has been found,according to many scientific medical analysis reports,to be  in:
-Minced meat in Halal shops? and in a lot of meat/foods found in South Africa?
-Halal donor Kababs: See the report by Chris Hanlon  below in the Daily Mail on 1 May 2012:

“Test lamb kebabs in 20 restaurants… and found that NONE contained just lamb?

  • All kebabs contained a mixture of pork, beef or poultry
  • Only three lamb curries tested had just lamb
  • Four curries contained none at all
  • Muslims may be unwittingly eating pork
  • One kebab contained almost 20 times the safe levels of food colouring”

– Halal chicken(after injecting porcine substances  and water inside the chicken)
-Beef burgers:
A total of 27 products were analysed, with 10 of them containing horse DNA and 23 containing pig DNA.
Horsemeat accounted for approximately 29% of the meat content in one sample from Tesco.
In addition, 31 beef meal products, including cottage pie, beef curry pie and lasagne, were analysed, of which 21 tested positive for pig DNA.”

-There are a lot of ADDITIVES in most foods today…some of these additives  did originate from PORK like:

*  E441 Gelatine : derived from the bones and/ or hides of cattle and/ or pigs

  • Glycerol / Glycerin / Glycerine (E422) – haraam if obtained from pork or non-halal meat sources.
  • Emulsifiers (E470 to E483) – haraam if obtained from pork or non-halal sources.
  • Edible Bone Phosphate (E542) – haraam if obtained from pork or non-halal meat sources

– Halal foods in prisons  given to  he Muslim prisoners,after been certified as Halal by the Halal Food Authority(HFA)?

(Is important to mention also that The Official Muslim view and the view   of the Muslim Council of Britain and and the view of the  majority of Ulamas/Muslim scholars in Britain is against STUNNING and   against MACHINE slaughter, But  unfortunately  the HFA uses both: Stunning and Machine slaughter for their halal meat?)

WORSE AND WORSE:Porcine substances are found frequently and widely in:
All Muslims in the world are having a lot of it inside their bodies???

I believe  also  that PORK/Porcine ingredientst/ Pork DNA  will be found  soon if tested well , in the ?Halal meat/foods given to our  Muslim children in schools and to our Muslim patients in hospitals and in the foods given in the  Airoplanes…

-Even some brands of  cigarettes have been made with the adding of PIG’s blood??( Smoking is doubly haram now)

-Not only that, but the body of the PORK is used to make 180 items  for our daily life,many of it are “consumed or used” by Muslims???

Please see the illustrative photo of the PORK below,which was published by the Daily Mail before:MUSLIMS ARE “CONSUMING ” A LOT OF PORK TODAY   ???
As All Muslims  know, that it is PROHIBITED in Islam  to consume  any part/ingredient from the pork(pig/swine/bacon): meat,fat/lard ,bones/gelatin,organs,skin, porcine substances ,DNA etc…
In the Name of ALLAH,the most Compassionate the most Merciful
Dead meat,blood,the flesh of swine……..”
(AL QUR’AN: Surah 5-verse 3)
There are 5 verses in the Qur’an ,4  of it mentioned this PROHIBITION of PORK .
Pork is prohibited in Judaism too and very much opposed in the Bible/Christianity as unclean animal.
There are today about 70 diseases which are  caused by pork,latest is the link to  Swine Flu.
Pork has got a lot of fat which can cause Atherosclerosis , damage the heart ,cause heart attacks  and kill many people….
Gelatin(from the bones of pork) is widely used in a lot of foods,biscuits,ice cream and drinks in the supermarkets today.
A lot of Muslims are buying it and consuming it,without checking the ingredients , or knowing about it  and avoiding it?
PORK is  the most filthy dirty smelly animal and is considered UNCLEAN/NAJIS.
WORSE  : PORK has been found,according to many scientific medical analysis reports,to be  in:
-Minced meat in Halal shops? and in a lot of meat/foods found in South Africa?
-Halal donor Kababs: See the report by Chris Hanlon  below in the Daily Mail on 1 May 2012:
“Test lamb kebabs in 20 restaurants… and found that NONE contained just lamb?
All kebabs contained a mixture of pork, beef or poultry
Only three lamb curries tested had just lamb
Four curries contained none at all
Muslims may be unwittingly eating pork
One kebab contained almost 20 times the safe levels of food colouring”
– Halal chicken(after injecting porcine substances  and water inside the chicken)
-Beef burgers:
A total of 27 products were analysed, with 10 of them containing horse DNA and 23 containing pig DNA.
Horsemeat accounted for approximately 29% of the meat content in one sample from Tesco.
In addition, 31 beef meal products, including cottage pie, beef curry pie and lasagne, were analysed, of which 21 tested positive for pig DNA.”
-There are a lot of ADDITIVES in most foods today…some of these additives  did originate from PORK like:
*  E441 Gelatine : derived from the bones and/ or hides of cattle and/ or pigs
Glycerol / Glycerin / Glycerine (E422) – haraam if obtained from pork or non-halal meat sources.
Emulsifiers (E470 to E483) – haraam if obtained from pork or non-halal sources.
Edible Bone Phosphate (E542) – haraam if obtained from pork or non-halal meat sources
– Halal foods in prisons  given to  he Muslim prisoners,after been certified as Halal by the Halal Food Authority(HFA)?
(Is important to mention also that The Official Muslim view and the view   of the Muslim Council of Britain and and the view of the  majority of Ulamas/Muslim scholars in Britain is against STUNNING and   against MACHINE slaughter, But  unfortunately  the HFA uses both: Stunning and Machine slaughter for their halal meat?)
WORSE AND WORSE:Porcine substances are found frequently and widely in:
All Muslims in the world are having a lot of it inside their bodies???
I believe  also  that PORK/Porcine ingredientst/ Pork DNA  will be found  soon if tested well , in the ?Halal meat/foods given to our  Muslim children in schools and to our Muslim patients in hospitals and in the foods given in the  Airoplanes…
-Even some brands of  cigarettes have been made with the adding of PIG’s blood??( Smoking is doubly haram now)
-Not only that, but the body of the PORK is used to make 180 items  for our daily life,many of it are “consumed or used” by Muslims???
Please see the illustrative photo of the PORK below,which was published by the Daily Mail before: